The Aethrin Behind Wilkołak

The Disease and the People

by Mariana Wojciechowski, MD
The relationship between Karieba and Brume has historically been an intimate and violent one, especially in the regions of which our country shares a border with the Brumes mists. While vigilant legions of Lytsari safeguard us from the creatures that would emerge from the Brume, one creature that has gained popularity in stories told amongst all Karieban people is of the Wilkołak, a creature said to raid the forts maintained by the brave soldiers at the Brume that resembles a cross between an aethrin and a wolf. Often standing 3-4m in height, possessing extreme strength, and resilient against most kinds of conventional weaponry, they are a fearsome foe that the mist employs both as stewards of the territories that the mist covers, and deadly warriors. Some novels exist that depict them as nothing more than mindless killing machines devoid of any higher form of cognition, and avatars of the Brume's assault on the civilized world. They have been used as the villain in fantasy stories popular with Prezian nobility purely due to their monstrous appearance, despite the generally favourable opinion of our turned Lytsari.   I have spent the last five years in the field touring many of the forts that have seen combat with Wilkołak over the years to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the condition that affects them (known as Likantropia), and to hopefully end some of the mystery surrounding the good people afflicted with the condition. Additionally, it should be noted that during the course of my travels I solely had experiences with the Karieban Wilkołak. There is another prevalent variant in Aya known as the Nagualli and Balamo’ob, though their alternate form more often taks on aspects of a jaguar rather than a wolf. While I will not go into great detail as acquiring information on them is near impossible due to the destruction of the Great War and red tape, it should be noted that their condition is identical to the Likantropia experienced by Wilkołak. The process of being turned, effects on the body, and most everything aside from the differentiation between wolf and jaguar are the same. Two of the most famous contemporary Balamo'ob are Zipacna Canek, Knight Commander of Koloxal, and Cauã Prado, Knight Commander of Tunlik. However, they're very protective of who gets to see them in person due to Cartel infighting, and are often surrounded by bodyguards and advisors, many of them also being Balamo'ob. They are the followers of an Ayain military tradition where to fight Balamo'ob from the Brume, they become them, and Balamo'ob on the Peninsula have a, generally, favorable outlook on them because of that. In fact, there are old epic poems that have survived multiple millniea such as A' Cha' Ahau Pic'al, The Two Lords of Pic'al, which was adapted to comic book form in 1981. The poem is a semi-fictional account of the loving relationship that eventually turned into a bitter rivalry between Ahau 'Ik'jux of Pi'cal and Ahau Saktun of Xoco, both being powerful Balamo'ob whose eventual clash would leave a character on the summit of Xoco Mountain itself. For Karieban readers, I recommend the translation by Jacek Nowak.
Rosa Z.

Likantropia and its Effects

Classifying the condition is difficult due to it having originated in the Brume, however the closest medical equivalent would be an infectious mutation. The documentation of the condition has varied from destroyed or incomplete and questionable, and it is my aim to provide the first accurate and eyewitness accounts of the condition and its progression.   Firstly, the transmission vector seems to be through bodily fluid exchange with the most common being the result of contaminated saliva through a bite. All bodily fluids tested and donated from Wilkołak have had the mutagen present, so even recreational contact may prove infectious. While simply having bodily fluid come in contact with one’s skin is not enough, any entry through the mucous membranes or an open wound could be sufficient to be infectious. Exact amounts of fluid transfer required to result in an infection are uncertain, but it is worth having a test done just in case should one come into contact with a Wilkołak.   While it may seem obvious that a person has been infected looking from a clinical perspective, it is important to note extenuating circumstances and sometimes even denial from the victim. Typically unwilling infections occur as a result of an attack of Brume Wilkołak on one of the forts on the border, or during someone’s Księżycowa Zmiana where they did not have full control over themselves. As such, victims may require medical attention and time in hospital which can mask the initial symptoms. Unwitting individuals may also attribute the fear to a normal bacterial infection due to similar immune responses.   Before delving into the effects on a person, I wish to reiterate a point: these are people that have had to endure a great deal of pain to continue to exist. They may have abilities or qualities that one may not consider ‘natural’, but it is important to remember that just because someone is a Wilkołak, they are not a monster.   The process of becoming a Wilkołak is not an easy one, and in fact a narrow majority of those infected do not survive the process of their initial transformation (often referred to as a “Księżycowa Zmiana” or just "Zmiana" by those I interviewed). The body is put under an inordinate amount of stress in a very short time and for many it proves too much and their bodies fail and expire during the process. It should be noted that up to the person’s Księżycowa Zmiana, the condition is treatable if sufficient time for retroviral therapy is given. The regimen typically takes four days, so someone would have to gain access to the medication and take it at least four days before the full moon.   Upon surviving their Księżycowa Zmiana, the new Wilkołak is typically reduced to what has been described as a sort of ‘brain fog’, wherein the individual’s brain has had to process so much physical trauma that it shuts down higher cognitive function as a defense mechanism. All of the Wilkołak I interviewed described the experience as if you were in a dream and couldn’t focus on anything long enough to make sense of it. Observations of those going through a Księżycowa Zmiana have shown that they tend to lean into their new instincts to guide their actions unwittingly, and this can have a variety of results. Some have had their Księżycowa Zmiana blow over smoothly, while others have been described as “wild and untameable”.   Upon reawakening after the end of the process, the new Wilkołak typically reported issues with dealing with sensory overload due to the increased perceptive abilities that Wilkołak have, particularly via scents and sounds. Over time they adapt to such heightened levels of stimulation, and are able to employ various coping mechanisms to assist in crowded environments. In addition to their heightened senses, Wilkołak typically are much stronger and faster than they were before transforming, and have shown to have increased reaction times.   Perhaps the most iconic thing that Wilkołak are known for however are their ability to transform (usually referred to by them as a shift or shifting) into two forms, their normal humanoid form and a hybrid form that is a combination of humanoid and beast. While their Księżycowa Zmiana is a brutal process that most do not survive, after the process completes most report shifting is very easy and often something they like to do semi-regularly akin to stretching. It should be noted that aside from their Księżycowa Zmiana, Wilkołak are not compelled by their condition into any other form against their will.   As powerful as a well trained Wilkołak is, even their most formidable still cannot hold a candle to the progenitor of their curse. Dubbed the Mgławilk, or Mist Wolf, the primordial Wilkołak have powers that even their turned cousins cannot muster. Precious little proper research has been conducted on them due to the immense effort it takes to bring one down, so most of what follows comes from eyewitness accounts. Mgławilk have been seen shrugging off small arms and blades as if they were nothing. It often takes almost an entire squadron of soldiers to bring down a lone Mgławilk without the support of heavy armaments. Thankfully, the wings on the back of the Lystari saddles have been engineered so that they emit a sound that creatures of the Brume are susceptible to, and the Mgławilk’s enhanced hearing seems to work against them in this respect. Other notable things that have been reported (but unconfirmed) include: the ability to lift and throw even a Sevalacian horse with minimal effort, the ability to reattach severed limbs, speed that is hard for aethrin eyes to track, and much more control over their ability to shift (several Lytsari swear that they’ve seen Mgławilk transform fully into a wolf, and while attempts have been made no Wilkołak has been able to achieve this). The Mgławilk seem to be one of, if not the preeminent forces employed by the Grey Faith as commanders and leaders.   In their humanoid forms they almost entirely resemble their appearance before they were turned, though with a slight elongation of the canine teeth akin to fangs and after the development of a tapetum lucidum in their eyes due to the increased night vision, they will shine when light is shone upon them in the darkness. Some have reported eye color changing to be a bit brighter or shift to be yellow, though this does not appear to be universal. Studies have not been done so this is just an observation, but fur colors of all types of wolves have been seen in Wilkołak, and it is typically the same as the person who turned them, though with any mutation there can be variances.   In their hybrid form they stand around 3m tall and have a significant increase in muscle mass. They retain the ability to stand upright, though there is a bit of a hunch due to the ability to move around on all fours as well. This is aided by the hands being significantly longer to aid in posture when moving as such. For wolflike traits they retain the head shape, digitigrade legs, fur, and tail for balance. They also have the long fangs in their muzzle as well as sharp claws between 7-8 cm in length. It is possible to speak in this form, however it typically comes out very rough and akin to a sort of barking, so most Wilkołak typically just shift back to their humanoid form if they need to partake in lengthy conversation.   Other advantageous aspects of the condition of Likantropia include an incredibly boosted healing factor, and a reported almost instinctual knowledge of hunting, tracking, and non-verbal communication used by canines. This couples with their increased reaction response to make most Wilkołak exceptional Stalker candidates in the Federation’s Military.   There are significant drawbacks to the condition however, as the stress of going through a complete head to toe rewrite of one’s genetic makeup reduces one’s lifespan by a handful of years. Additionally, to support the metabolism required to shift at one’s will requires additional food to be consumed on average, especially during the full moon’s cycle, as while they are not forced to transform the “sundowning” like effect (detailed later) is still present and will cause the Wilkołak to burn more calories during this time. Finally, as a result of the biological change Wilkołak exude an odor. While not foul, it is distinct and smells faintly akin to a dog. It is unsure if those with allergies to dogs will have a reaction to Wilkołak.   It is recommended that if you are expecting a child, that any contact experienced should result in a checkup as transformation while carrying is a severe risk to the child. Cases of this are few and far between, however none had a positive outcome.   On the note of offspring, it is entirely possible for two Wilkołak or even a Wilkołak and a non-Wilkołak to conceive a child since barring a Księżycowa Zmiana, a person is not forced into any other form by their condition, so with conscious thought to not shift a person may carry a child to term safely. I was able to speak to two such children, two siblings whose names will remain confidential for them and their parents’ security. The eldest, a female human Wilkołak of 14 years, reported no difficulty during her Księżycowa Zmiana. Her younger sibling of 11 years had yet to experience a Księżycowa Zmiana. Due to a small number of people who are born this way, I can only speculate as to why there were no complications, however my theory relates to the fact that a child’s body is naturally adaptable pre-puberty and the transition to adulthood also serves to activate the mutagen. The fact that the girl experienced almost no pain lends me to believe being conceived from two individuals with Likantropia results in genetic makeup already being altered and the Księżycowa Zmiana is merely an activation of the latent abilities present within mature Wilkołak. Coping with Societal Expectations   Most Wilkołak are Lytsari, as they have the highest likelihood of becoming infected due to their proximity to the Brume and the creatures within. While an adjustment period is expected for freshly turned soldiers before fully being able to resume their duties, the extensive training Lystari go through seems to help with coping and most are able to resume their careers with no issues. Upon retiring, one would expect the usual difficulties with transitioning to civilian life, but these difficulties did not seem to be significantly enhanced by Likantropia. There is only one group of Wilkołak that I was informed of outside of any remaining in their units to continue their service in the PAF. Interestingly enough, despite a well vocalized distaste for dehumanizing language throughout interviews with Wilkołak, the group did refer to themselves as a ‘pack’ and used a lot more terminology that harkened to their wolf side. When asked about this, their rationale was simple: they wanted to take the terminology, possess it, and make it mean something that they wanted.   Perhaps due to the nature of their condition, most Wilkołak either retired from military service or infected civilians consider themselves lone wolves, tending towards a more solitary lifestyle. Other than this pack, the largest known gatherings of Wilkołak are mostly soldiers who survived their Księżycowa Zmiana and use their newfound strength to continue manning their posts on the edge of the Brume.   Talking to the members of the pack of 11 people, all of which were retired soldiers, there is not so much a defined culture brought about by their shared condition, but a mutual understanding of difficulties faced in day to day life. Examples they gave were their increased senses leading to overstimulation, dietary changes, ways to pass for the perceived “normal”, and the generalized anxiety of being inherently different than most people around oneself. The pack itself acts akin to a support group, providing a sense of stability and camaraderie in belonging to a group that understands what an individual may be going through.   It should also be noted that while civilians have been infected, the vast majority of infected individuals are soldiers, and predominantly the elite Lytsari. This likely explains the rationale for most recovered Wilkołak to have a desire to return to their service and a sense of normalcy. I reached out to members of the PAF for their opinions on their Wilkołak comrades and aside from the initial shock of seeing their fellow soldiers take on the appearance of a beast, those serving alongside them did not report any negative feelings due to their condition. To the contrary, most people seemed to think admirably for someone to recover and return to put their newfound talents to good use.  

Understanding Our Wilkołak Siblings

Now we come to the reason for all of this research and traveling I have done the last few years. While there is miniscule negative press due to the dramatics of sensationalized horror and romance novels, outside of certain circles of nobility the general person not living within the border provinces is surprisingly ignorant of Wilkołak.   This is not a criticism, as aside from word of mouth without documented research there is very little that currently can be done to accurately spread information across such vast lands as our Federation. The aim of this article and the published findings is to raise the curtain of mystery surrounding our Wilkołak citizens, to promote better understanding and further unravel Terota's mysteries. Additionally, Wilkołak do not face any additional hardships inherently due to their state of being, and it is my goal to maintain that through education and enlightenment.  

Infection Timeline

Below is a timeline of symptoms experienced by infected individuals included for academic purposes. This is not all inclusive and highlights what was observed in most cases of infected individuals. It should not be used as an end-all-be-all diagnostic tool, merely one of many tests that can help to identify a Likantropia infection and treat it.

Stage One: Infection Timeline: Initial fluid transfer through 24-48 hours post infection.   While pain typical of any wound is to be expected, a common symptom of those who have been infected is itching, likely an initial immune response to the mutagen’s presence in the bloodstream.   Stage Two: Illness Timeline: 24-48 hours post initial infection through 1 week.   At this stage the victim typically develops symptoms of illness such as fever, malaise, and nausea. This can be treated through conventional means of treating whatever symptoms may arise. Keeping hydrated is important as most victims sweat at an increased rate through this phase.   Stage Three: Dormant Timeline: 1 week post initial infection through the first Full Moon.   The victim at this point will recover from their fever and mostly return to normal. Several victims have reported increased irritability though this may be attributed to external factors such as knowing the state of one’s condition.   Stage Four: Transformation Timeline: First Full Moon post infection.   Up to this point in a person’s infection, with proper medication or even magical intervention the condition can be cured and the person returned to their normal state with little to no noteworthy long term side effects. However, should the infection be allowed to persist to this point the condition is nearly untreatable without experimental surgical intervention that has had minimal success. It is unsure as to why the full moon is instrumental in cementing a Wilkołak’s condition, though it has been theorized that a type of “sundowning” (a phenomenon noted in people with different forms of dementia where the brain and body have increased agitation and activity as the night falls) plays a part.   The process is strenuous and between 55-60% of people who progress to this stage do not survive it. After gestating dormantly in the person’s system the mutagen within is activated by an increased adrenal response triggered at the Full Moon’s influence. The victim’s body then is forced through an arduous transformation to a form between humanoid and beast, while their genetic code is rewritten. If the stress does not prove too much for the body to sustain, according to surviving Wilkołak the remainder of the night is typically spent in a fog as the sensory overload and intense pain force the brain into disregarding higher processes of thought temporarily. This results in increased danger to those nearby of becoming infected and the popular depiction of a “raving monster” in fiction.   Stage Five: Completion Timeline: After surviving the first Full Moon until death.   At this point the infected individual has progressed completely through and if they survive is now considered a Wilkołak. After a period of adjustment to their newfound strength and other capabilities, most individuals are able to return to life just as any other aethrin would be able to.  

About the Author

Dr. Mariana Wojciechowski is a licenced MD who practices in Prezia, at the Królewski Szpital Ogólny. She has been in practice for twelve years prior to her travels in the border provinces of the Federation. She plans to return to practice after taking a sabbatical following her research period. She is happily married to her loving wife, and the couple have two dogs named Zadra and Kopini.  

Mutation Mechanics:

Natural Weapons Wilkołak in their hybrid form have natural weapons that manifest as a Claw and Bite. Claws deal 2d4+Strength Slashing Damage, and the Bite does 1d10+Strength. When a Humanoid is bitten, they must make a DC equal to the Wilkołak’s Constitution modifier plus their proficiency bonus plus 10. On a fail, they are infected with Likantropia.
Ability Score Modification At the time of surviving a Księżycowa Zmiana, a Wilkołak’s strength score is increased to 10 if it was not already and cannot be reduced below 10. While transformed, it increases to 18 if it was not already.
Damage Reduction Wilkołak have Damage Reduction 5 in their Hybrid form.
Keen Senses All Wilkołak have advantage on Perception checks relating to hearing or smelling, even in humanoid form.
Beast Speech Wilkołak are able to communicate on a base level with beasts that are of the same species their Likantropia derives from. A Werewolf can communicate with wolves, a Werejaguar with Jaguars, etc. Animals that are of the same species can understand you, and you are able to decipher their sounds and gestures. This does not predispose them to liking you in any way, however.
Shapeshifting As an action, a Wilkołak may shift into their hybrid form or back into their humanoid form. Equipment not made to accommodate the shift is damaged or may even be straight up destroyed. While in their hybrid form, Wilkołak are able to use weapons and speak but cannot cast spells. They gain Natural Weapons and Damage Reduction.
Drawbacks Having gone through a strenuous mutation, Wilkołak have slightly reduced life expectancy. For non-elves, roll 3d6 and subtract the amount from your race’s average life expectancy. For elves, roll 3d20.   You gain the effects of the Greedy Metabolism and Pretty Stinky minor negative mutations, with small alterations. You smell akin to a canine instead of generally stinky, and your required daily consumption must be 6-8lbs of food except during the days of, before, and after the full moon where you must consume 14lbs of food or suffer the negative effects of the mutation.