The Ts'unun Project

  Cutovi State Laboratory

Contributed by Dr. Kisi Itotia Frontera, Dr. Anton Ovanda de Avan, Dr. Alma Secada de Känän and Dr. Alma Mīna Morga

25th of Tenana, 2054


As the Empire in care of this realm, we find ourselves surrounded by all manner of potential threats. The Arediāni’s pacification may not last forever, and despite their lack of martial culture reducing their military potential, the threat of destabilization in the Arediāna could disrupt the progress on the Sanctuary City Installation 03 and even potentially lead our Sharādāin rivals to assert their sphere of influence even closer to us which would be an unacceptable loss. Additionally, the threat of another war on the Illagran island in the future that may see our influence lost in the region could not be discounted, and conflicts in Karieba may one day escalate to the point where control of the Prezians and Kurians may become tenuous. Therefore, it is with the approval of Ka’nal General Kinato Ros Reyes to develop a new class of soldier to safeguard Imperial technological and military supremacy and to further buffer ourselves from potential crises. It is the belief that once more to look forwards, we must look upon our history to one of the most efficient killers of the ancient age: the K’ikachij. Now extinct outside of the Bruma, the K’ikachij was a beast that stood regularly between 4-5m tall and sported webbed frontal limbs that allowed for flight, as well as large fangs with a bite force of 190 Bars (2750 psi), enough to shatter even the strongest bones of any known animal on the Talarenian peninsula. This allowed it to become an apex predator of its habitat in the Apia Mountains until the last was hunted down 500 years ago.   It is the aim of the project to recreate the combat effectiveness of these creatures in selected candidates among volunteers looking to become the next step in the evolution of our great empire. It is in this endeavor we have managed a number of significant enhancements to the aethrin body and with further refinement plan to remove the remaining drawbacks.
Rosa Z.


Acquisition of mummified remains of a K’ikachij twenty years ago during the excavation of the ziggurat found in an offshoot of the Drumul Mare between Inoi and Cutovi brought about a flurry of scientific discourse regarding the creature. Many things were learned about it through modern examination of the remains, but most importantly was the extraction of samples of the creature’s DNA. Therein we were able to learn that the natural flexibility of aethrin DNA was not outside of the realm of hybridization. While splicing aethrin genetic code could have yielded effective results, they would have likely resulted in a form non-befitting of the Imperial Military; that is to say more akin to wild beasts instead of the desired soldiers we wish to produce.   These last three years spent in study have yielded an impressive preliminary form we have dubbed the Hummingbird, as referenced by the project’s name. While almost all goals of enhancements for aethrin able to survive the process were met, there are significant drawbacks. Further studies will be geared towards removing these and further enhancing the added benefits to speed, strength, longevity, and resilience already present.  


Preliminary Qualifications   Best results have been found with early to mid adult aethrin of species closest to humans or elfkin of any biological sex, though it seems any species of aethrin in Terota is capable of adapting to these changes and this is likely a symptom of sample size.   Surgical Implements   Surgical intervention was sometimes required in the early phases to accommodate changes in muscle mass or bone density beyond what the aethrin body was able to accommodate. Implements such as bone saws, scalpels, varieties of breathing assistance apparatus, and other various forms of first aid were required to keep on hand to comply with safety regulations.   DNA Modification and Extraction   Initial tests were done under microscope with blood samples and replicated DNA of the K’ikachij grown under laboratory conditions, and later on when moving to aethrin trials materials such as Intravenous (IV) access kits were required for both medicating the test subject as well as later on providing sustenance in the form of donated blood bags. For extraction purposes, hypodermic needles, syringes, centrifuges, vials, and all standard equipment for DNA processing were required.   The process of actually introducing modified DNA to a subject’s system required a vector to interface with the naturally occurring process of DNA repair. For this method we have selected a modified retroviral transmission vector. This has had the most effective and stable results between the commonly available options of lentiviral, retroviral, and adenoviral.  


  To say that these tests over the years have borne fruit beyond our initial assessments is an understatement. Surviving patients exhibit:  
  • Increased strength between 300-350% of their previous capabilities.
  • Between a 200-300% increase in speed and reflexive response.
  • Conversion to a purely anaerobic circulatory system, rendering breathing unnecessary.
  • In subjects without the ability to see in the dark, acquisition of this ability was uniform amongst survivors. For those already able to, effectiveness in low-light and light-absent environments was increased by double.
  • Quickened immune response and heightened regenerative capabilities rendering most methods short of removal of the head nothing more than a nuisance. We requested that an Inmortal be tasked to the lab to help with further testing for resilience.
  • While an exact metric is unclear due to the relatively short period of this study, DNA breakdown due to errors in replication has seemingly been stopped, theoretically resulting in a massively extended lifespan.
  As this is a preliminary, but functional, form, there are two noteworthy drawbacks as follows:  
  • Conversion to a closed and anaerobic circulatory system has caused a feedback loop of the patient’s system feeding upon itself and an inability to break down nutrients not already ready to be processed in the bloodstream. This has required surviving patients to receive regular blood transfusions, or to consume blood orally (though this has proved significantly less efficient).
  • While a rapid regeneration and healing factor have allowed patients to survive extensive trauma and stress, the drawback has resulted in a system that if going for an extended period of time without feeding will cause the body to feed on itself and rapidly desiccate. While this does not kill the patient, sufficient degradation has been shown to reduce patients to their baser instincts as if starving, and if allowed to continue to fall into a torpor until blood is reintroduced to their system. While all patients brought to these extents have been able to recover, further testing is required to see how long a patient can go without fresh blood.
  Anatomically speaking, several adaptations and changes to the body of patients were observed, and while some outliers occurred nearly all patients exhibited the following physiological changes:  
  • Increase in bone density.
  • Replacement of the canine teeth into fangs, similar to the K’ikachij’s enlarged canines.
  • Fusing of the nail bed to bone underneath and increased keratin production, resulting in claws.
  • Development of a tapetum lucidum in the eye, creating a reflective sheen in low-light environments, as well as either an amber or red hue to the iris.
  • A decrease in blood flow to the skin resulting in a pallid skin tone, or bleaching of fur or scales in furred and scaled aethrin.


  It is my honest opinion as the lead scientist on this project that despite the drawbacks present, this was a resounding success and has set the foundation to a new evolution of aethrin kind. Given time and proper funding from the Ministry of Defense, I firmly believe that this program can and will iron out the kinks to reduce, or possibly even remove the drawbacks listed above. As outlined in our initial proposal to General Kinato, patients have shown dramatic improvement in speed, strength, longevity, and resilience, as well as a number of further useful adaptations such as claws, fangs, low-light vision, and enhanced sensory perception. Included below are my colleagues Dr. Anton Ovanda de Avan, Dr. Alma Secada de Känän and Dr. Alma Mīna Morga’s observations and thoughts.   Dr. Anton Ovanda de Avan:   While we have accomplished the tasks we set out to do, I grow concerned for the unknown factors we have not had proper time or testing to discover. There may yet be more disadvantages that we are unaware of that will emerge with time, and these should be tested thoroughly with the aid of further volunteers. It is my personal recommendation we continue to confine the patients to strict military supervision to assure that they are stable enough to be reintegrated to society. In particular, patient 734, Major Capraka, showed increased aggression when feeding schedules were reduced and an increase in predatory behavior towards those she considered friends was observed multiple times. I fear that should a near indestructible super soldier be turned loose and ever lose their supply of blood they would become a menace to civilized society. Dulling down the powers of Hummingbirds and acknowledging the upkeep of maintaining these soldiers should be the highest priority, while also working out the negative effects of the serum.   Dr. Alma Secada de Kanän:   Contrary to Dr. Anton’s concerns, I feel as though our still living patients have displayed sufficient growth and adaptation to their condition in their time under observation and that his concerns are founded upon a unique case. We have diligently watched over these patients over the last year of observation and have noticed that so long as the government is able to provide them with their rations of blood there is no danger to society present. Additionally, this provides a tactical use case to starve a soldier and then drop them into enemy lines and let them wreak havoc. The combat potential when a patient is starved see’s a dramatic increase in ferocity and motivation to commit violence due to the reported pain experienced without sufficient blood and are still able to tell friend from foe.   Dr. Alma Mīna Morga:   I am in agreement that my colleagues Dr Alma and Dr Kisi are correct in saying that there is enough evidence to start to incorporate our patients back into the military. We have sufficient supplies to sustain a small force of these soldiers and I see no problem with combat testing them in Karieba for nighttime operations. We should begin running them through strategic and tactical studies as soon as conveniently possible so that they are up to the Empire’s standards and to judge their strengths and weaknesses. There is nothing else to be said.  


Funding for this project has come from the Imperial Military as granted by Ka’nal General Kinato. I would personally like to thank my staff in this experiment, the volunteers, and our security team for keeping us safe and ensuring ethical operation.      

Office of Naval Securities Report on Toto Pollutant

Toto Pollutant was first brought to our attention when Saver Biotech subsidary K’än Medica in Puerto Esperanza uncharacteristically requested assistance with patients that exhibited symptoms of a disease that they first encountered in 2235, and then again in greater numbers in 2326 which prompted their request. What volunteer medical workers discovered from these settlers and scavangers is that they all came into contact with a pollutant whose existance was kept mostly secret from the effort of Saver Biotech. Dubbed Toto (Blood) Pollutant from the survivors of it's effects, it was first developed by Dr. Kisi who is the author of the above document, which was eventually released by Dita Security in 2327 due to backlash from the citizens of Puerto Esperanza. Toto Pollutant is the remains of the chemical agent that lingers in some dillapitated labs that Kisi and their collegues used to create their Imperial Hummingbirds, and now that they're accessible to scavangers and animals the health effects on individuals and the enviorment have been disastrous. Toto Pollutant has been responsible for the creation of Mosquito Dogs and other “Sanguijuela” that now roam the Mainland terrorizing the people who attempt to resettle it. Thankfully the effects of the pollutant and the pollutant itself have only been observed outside of Arenia in rare instances, making it relatively contained to the region. Aid workers, merchants and soldiers who wish to operate in Arenia must keep this hazard in mind among the many others present. The pollutant looks like a dark red liquid, where on the surface there is a rust colored plasma like layer covering it, though the apperance may vary. Patients who survived the pollutant expierence the following effects:
Darkvision You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colours in that darkness as shades of grey.
Anaerobic Metabolism You don’t need to breathe or sleep. You must perform no more than light activity for at least 4 hours to gain the benefits of a long rest.
Spider Climb You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, at 3rd level you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings while leaving your hands free.
Hummingbird Mutation      Feed. You gain a natural weapon from your fangs that enable you to bite. This bite is a melee attack using Constitution that deals 1d6 piercing damage, which increases to 1d8 at 11th level and 1d10 at 17th. You regain hit points equal to the damage done by this attack, and have a bonus equal to half the damage done to your next ability check or attack roll.   Regeneration. As a bonus action you may spend a number of Hit Dice equal to your proficiency bonus and regain that many hit points. Additionally, you do not age and are immune to any effects that would age you.
Excessive Feeding A Hummingbird requires a steady supply of fresh or preserved blood, however they only require 4 litres over the course of a month. In the event that a Hummingbird completely drains the blood from a still living humanoid (killing them in the process), they gain the following benefits for one in game week:   Temporary Hit Points. You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the average amount on your class’ hit die multiplied by your level. If you have multiple different sizes, it is determined by which you have more of. If the number is equal, choose the larger. These temporary hit points refresh after finishing a long rest for this week.   Increased Lethality. You add your proficency bonus to damage rolls with weapon and unarmed attacks.
Detrimental Effects         Due to the nature of a Hummingbird’s anaerobic metabolism, they are unable to fully extract nutrients from normal food and must consume either fresh or preserved blood. Over the course of a month a Hummingbird must consume at least 4 litres of blood or begin to waste away at the end of the month. Should you not drink enough, you gain one level of Blood Fatigue. For each week that passes without consuming an adequate amount of blood, you gain an additional level, the effects of which are detailed below.

Blood Fatigue

  Hummingbirds don't exhbit the effects of being physically exhausted the same way unaffected Aethrin do. If they're not supplied with blood, or if another effect would cause exhaustion, they expierence these symoptoms instead:  
Level 1 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability's are made with a -2 modifier.
Level 2 The modifier becomes -4.
Level 3 The modifier becomes -6 and you have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.
Level 4 Your Speed is halved.
Level 5      Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability checks and saving throws have a -6 modifier.
Level 6            Torpor. A Hummingbird does not die due to lack of blood, instead they enter a state of hibernation referred to as ‘Torpor’. Your speed becomes 0, you are unconscious and . You can only be restored by a direct infusion of blood. Hummingbirds in this state however are often killed by carrion.
No treatment has been developed to ease symptoms for sufferers and the effects are considered irreversable.