Tressogo Settlement in Myzelis | World Anvil


Where the Northern Grand Canal and the Effluvian Jungle mix is a stretch of land over 150 miles long called "the Trod" by the Loxodons who live there. It stretches between a dozen small communities connected by muddy, cart-unfriendly roads. This humid and hot area is home to many unique crops such as rice, bananas, sugar cane, cocoa, and coffee, and the loxodons are quite comfortable tending to them. At the center point of this stretch is the township of Tressogo, which is built from mud and plant matter into domes and caves that are surprisingly clean and solid for their make. The city is known for its leisure, especially comfortable and cooling mud bathhouses. The Loxodon of this city specialize in offering services to transport goods between Gylidd Syn Aethri City and ports at Ormtona for those without the coin or need to charter a boat.   The mayor of the city, and by extension the governor of the entire Trod, is a Loxodon druid named Ugil Obilwe. Another legendary Loxodon from this township is Exarch Sideroxylon - a world-class warrior and veteran of many battles.