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Morgane's Lagoon

Morgane's Lagoon is an ancient bubbling lake located in a glittering cavern deep in the heart of Hell below the castle of Nagarais. Legend claims that when Styx brought Lucifer to the edge of death the massive discharge of his magical essence condensed around him attracting Wild Magic until the magic became so dense that it errupted outwards and tore a rift int he fabirc of reality creating all of Hell around a singular magical pool that became so potently charaged with Primordial and Wild magic that it became deadly to anything not directly related to The Demon King. This pool became known as Moragne's Lagoon, The Hell Spring.

Adopted Magic 

With the help of her adopted family the mortal Jade Morgane also once bathed in the waters of The Hell Spring and became the only other creature to ever survive the experience as the water granted her a power and magic worthy of her adoptive family.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hell Spring
Gulf / Lagoon
Location under
The waters of the lagoon also cause anything a person is wearing or carrying to disintegrate upon contact, forcing any who whish to bathe within it to do so naked. It is an odd side effect that Lucifer insists has existed since it's creation but Seriel still believes that Lubick cursed it for his own amusement.


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