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Soul Flame

It's not that strange really. Mortals understand the concept of trade, they believe just as we do in the concepts of trade and equivalent exchange. So I'll ask you again, are you willing to trade your soul?
- An Anonymous Overlord of Hell making a deal with a newly dead sinner.
The mortals of Requiem have always the existence of a person's soul. and those that do agree that soul's exist often disagree about what exactly makes a soul. The reality however, is that souls not only exist, but contain a moral very being. A creature that gains controls of another's soul can completely override their freewill while in within eyesight of the souls body and no matter how far that body may run the master of it's soul can simply destroy it whenever they see fit obliterationg any trace of the person that was attached to it, leaving nothing but an empty husk of a corpse that can never be revived. Such souls are the basic currency of Hell and the more you own the more powerful you become.  

Soul Grades

Because every mortal creature living or dead possess a soul they are incredibly common, however, the size and power, and consequently the value, of a persons soul can vary based on certain values such as determination, willpower, loyaty, and self-confidence, among others. Souls strengthened by these qualities are always in high demand within Hell. However, due to the required circumstaces of their creation, the most powerful souls are always fostered by powerful personalities which inherently means that convincing the owner of strong soul to sell it is notoriously difficult. Additonally, powerful and independent souls often refuse to be commanded nomatter their mortal forms opinion. These souls will aways rage against anything less than their orginal owner and powerful Demon Overlords have destroyed themselves failing to tame such a soul. To avoid this fate the Demons of Hell catgorize souls into two personality types known as Feral and Submissive personalities and five grades ranging from Primordial Souls, which will kill anything foolish enough to touch them to Lesser Souls that any average Demon could dominate with relative ease.  
  • Primoridal/1st Grade Souls
The most destructive and unpredictable souls in all of Na Aragen, the souls of the primoridals are completely untamable. Due to the unprecedented amounts of magical power that emanate from them any lesser creature, including one of The Seven Deadly Sins, would undoubtedly die trying to tame one. The only Primoridal Grade souls in Hell belong to Lucifer Morgane and his two daughters, Seriel and Jade Morgane.
  • Immortal/2nd Grade Souls
Second Grade souls, more commonly refered to as Immortal souls are classifed as souls that cannont be permanently destoryed. These souls are all but impossible to control and, if either the soul or its orignal host's body is destroyed, will return to their orignal owner whenever their phyiscal form remanifest in Hell. Second Grade souls are exceedly rare outside of The Seven Deadly Sins but both of the Hellfire Siblings are also known to possess Immortal Grade souls.
  • Greater/3rd Grade Souls
The average soul grade among the Over and Underlords of Hell the stability of Greater souls can vary. Depending upon the personality and independence of its host a greater soul can destory another Third Grade soul but most Greater souls can be controlled by any average Fourth Grade demon.
  • Common/4th Grade Souls
The most common of the five soul grades, most average Demons and Sinners possess Fourth Grade souls. These souls are generally not particularly special but controling them still grants an Overlord a considerable amount of magical power.
  • Lesser/5th Grade Souls
By far the weakest souls in Hell Fifth Grade souls are actaully quite rare and are often forced into deals by aspiring Overlords who are just begining to gather their strength. There is no such thing as a Feral Lesser Soul.
Soul Flame by Ranger Marcy

Soul Personalities

Aside from the five grades, Souls in Hell are also divded into two conflicting personality commonly referred to as Feral and Submissive personalities.
Submissive Souls
Submissive or Stable Souls are by far the more common of the personalities within Hell. These souls will almost always willing accept a new master without fighting for dominance or freedom. Submissive souls of a higer grade than the demon trying to control them are still capable of overwhelming and destroying that master simply because of the amount of raw power within them.
Feral Souls
Feral or Unstable Souls are far less common but far more powerful than submissive souls. These soul are known to possess both phyiscal and magical strength noticeably greater than any submissve soul of the same grade. However, feral souls are somtimes more trouble than they're worth becuase of their absolute refusal to be controlled. A feral soul will always rage against a potential master with it's entire being, regardless of it's host's willingness to sell or gift it to that master. Although it is rare this also allows a lower grade feral soul to destroy a higher grade demon who simply cannot withstand the assualt.
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