Ebdirt Burntspire

Warleader Ebdirt Burntspire is the current leader of Calashi'din Vorpakk, a title he received due to his contributions to the war between the Calashi goblins and Usmina.   His honor name was given by Leader Songbuilder after the 3924 EC siege of Usmina's capital, Illeron. At the end of this three month long siege, Ebdirt surrounded the capital spire of Illeron and set it ablaze. Though the stone structure did not fall, the entirety of the Usminan royal family was killed in the blaze.   The spire stands to this day, scorched, largely untouched since the siege. It is off-limits to the public, and most of its entrances have been sealed.   He is an aging individual, but still commands respect.
Current Location
Year of Birth
3892 EC 56 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Splotchy green
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations