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The circle dispenses buttered bread, trivializing what would have been months of field work. You pick it up nonchalantly as animated brushes sweep the floors under you and wipe the ceilings above. Heatless candles flicker on as you cross the doorway to your balcony, ready to spend the evening deep in your books. You almost noticed ol' Greg being dragged into an alley by police, chanting ravings as he always does. A younger you would've been curious, but you've grown to know better.


Mage's Association Crystallis is governed by the Mage's Association, lead by a council of Grand Magi. Rising to prominence following their contributions during the Fantasia Crisis, the Association is now comprised of some of the most accomplished mages in all of muria. Each Grand Magus hold legal authority over their arcane specialty, with the council convening only for crucial decisions such as responses to crisis, removal of erring council members or acceptance of new members. The council currently has 21 sitting members, although in the past they've had as high as 37 members and as low as 8. Working under each Grand Magus is a team of magi and apprentice magi who pen and officialize decrees made by their Grand Magus. The association is supported by the "Enforcers", the military branch of the organization who police arcana within the city and beyond.   Crystalline Court The governing body of Izera, comprised of representatives from all over the federation, makes its home in the federation's capital; Crystallis. Decisions decreed by The Court apply not only to Crystallis, but to the whole of Izera. In truth, the Mage's Association manipulate The Court's intake process and holds unoffical influence over many of its representatives. While The Court act autonomously in governing most aspects of the federation, it bends to the Mage's Association's whim, furthering the Association's agenda through subtle manouvers.   The Bureau's Division of Magic The Mage's Association is especially invested in The Bureau's 12th Division, the Division of Arcana. The Division is tasked with the governance of magic, particularly the monitoring of unapproved magics. Learning from the Fantasia Crisis, during which they decided high magics were too dangerous for unvetted mortals, the Association demands drastic measures against any discovered usage of what they now designate "Dark Arts". Those who discovers or uses Dark Arts, marked as "Sealing Designates", are imprisoned within Crystallis until further research into these fields of magic is approved. Sometimes these designates appear in bounty boards across Muria - known for being high risk, high reward targets.


The culture of Crystallis is highly influenced by its abundance of magic. Menial jobs have become obsolete, allowing the populace to make careers out of recreational activities or the arts. Crystallis is home to complex games, music and food, all created and enhanced by a generous application of magic. The citizens of Crystallis are careful not to cross the authority or break rules as they enjoy many privileges and wish not to lose them.   Casual Magic The usage of magic is so commonplace even children carry around devices capable of casting spells such as sending, dancing lights or locate object. Such ease of access to magic does open Crystallis to some unique issues. The frequency of spell-aided thievery and frauds force all merchants to arm themselves with alarms, runes of dispell magic and sometimes even anti-magic fields. All such spells and devices are allowed and provided by the Association, while restricted spells are rare within the city walls. In social interactions it is common courtesy to keep both hands within eyesight, presumably because hiding one's hand is sign of hiding somantic components.   Arcane Policing Citizens of Crystallis are careful not to say or do anything which can be interpreted as curiosity in or familiarity with the Dark Arts. Virtually all citizen know someone who disappeared over night. Sometimes these lost souls were known mavericks, other times their disappearance seem completely arbitrary. Either way, all who knew them are wise to keep their heads down and move on with their lives. They know the Enforcers are involved. They know the Association is complicit. Their silence is a small price for utopia.   College of Associated Mages Crystallis has within it one of the most prestigious college of magecraft in Muria. The college is funded and managed by the Mage's Association, members of which often provide lectures. As the college pulls many students and visitors from all over Muria, the college lands and its surrounding areas observe a wide mixture of cultures. Crystallis' strict conduct and frequent usage of magic fade away, replaced instead with a unique culture centered around competitive studies and kingdom-specific cliques.

Public Agenda

As capital of the Izeran Federation, Crystallis is heavily involved in the unification and consolidation of the midlands in an effort to strengthen their cities and protect them from the Midnight Horde and traveling warlords alike. This is the agenda managed by the Crystalline Court and their Bureau.   As the self-proclaimed authority of magic, Crystallis is concerned in the policing of magic all over Muria. The Mage's Association have taken it upon themselves to decide which magic arts are acceptable and which are taboo, mostly to prevent something akin to the Fantasia Crisis from ever happening again. This cause has put Crystallis at odds with the city of Zarathar, whose mastery over the Shadowfell have created new and increasingly stronger magic.
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Mage's Association, Crystalline Court
Judicial Body
The Bureau's Division 12, Enforcers
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations