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Port Alfrons

"Bloody bastards, can't resist dumping this pile of shit on us. You alright there, Dmirnir?"   Two dwarves shuffle awkwardly through a series of crates, carrying with them sacks that seem much bigger than each of them. Sounds of seagulls drown out their hushed voices, though not enough to mute the heavy thuds of their footsteps on the boardwalk.   "I'm alright, Borin, is just the heat that's unbearable. Makes me long for the forges back at the Chasm, I tell you."   The shorter Dwarf, grey-bearded Borin, lets out a huff as he continues to walk forward.   "You know damn well why we can't go back. So quit bringing it up, I swear you've been saying it every time we head out lately."   "Well someone needs to say it. I say Hervig's a coward, had he just admit his mistakes we would be back home and not doing all this!"   Borin stops in his tracks, dropping his sack on the ground as his companion halts behind him. His gaze turns to the sea, the sounds of waves crashing dominating the air in tandem with the seagulls. With a heavy sigh, Borin reaches to his side - brandishing a steel rapier as his eyes narrow at Dmirnir.   "What did you do to Dmirnir?"   Dmirnir's eyes widened, dropping his sack as he raises his hands.   "The boy is stubborn and foolish, but there's a bit o' pride in him. Never spouted any of the drivel you've been spewing. So best you come out with it, or I'll make this bloody painful."   Dmirnir's mouth begins to open, before curling into a smile. He begins clapping as he steps slowly backwards, Borin keeping in step.   "I was wondering when you would realize. You were so blissfully unaware, I couldn't contain myself."   Dmirnir's form began to shimmer, elongating before revealing a more lean figure with darker skin, grey hair and pointed ears. They smirked at Borin, unsheathing their dagger.   "Care to see what's in this bag then? I salvaged as much as I could, but the dogs didn't leave much."   With a grunt, Borin readies a stance. He spits on the ground, to the Drow's displeasure.   "When I'm done with ya, I'm feeding you to the fucking fishes."   With a yell, Borin charges straight at the Drow. Later, behind a pile of crates, two human workers weren't surprised to see bloodstains on the wooden floors of the pier.


The Path of Midas
Port Alfrons is the center of trade in Izera, a critical port city that connects trade networks throughout Muria from the farthest south to the remote north. It was once the seat of power for the Avissinian Syndicate, a mercantile empire that was formed during the Age of Fantasia that leveraged their sorceries and coastal control to facilitate efficient trade. The leader of the syndicate was a fairly mythical figure known as 'Midas', who was said to be the champion of Cyrus the God of Commerce and Trade whose true identities were never uncovered but brought great prosperity to those who participated in their network. These roots have stretched on to the city today, where most of the city enthusiastically engages in commerce. The nation is governed by an elected minister, chosen by the populace every 4 years; these ministers are usually accomplished merchants and officials who have much leverage within the city. Additionally, while the city is subject to much of Izera's rules and regulations, when it comes to commerce these regulations are much less  stricter - a special provisional rule the Crystalline Court allows in exchange for the port city's cooperation. As such, the possibilities are endless, and one can expect to find what they're looking for at Port Alfrons - provided they can pay the price.   Crown Jewel of the Izeran Navy
In exchange for lighter rules and regulations, the city allows the Federation and Bureau free use of their maritime infrastructure. As a result, Port Alfrons has become the center for the Izeran navy and their main arm in the treacherous, pirate-infested waters of the Revel Islands. The Bureau has designated Port Alfrons as a critical region to ensure security and trade across the coast, hence their compromise with the city. In addition to that agreement, the city allows for a fairly large Bureau presence, and multiple offices have been established across the cities.   Criminals - From Within and Without
With such a large amount of wealth concentrated on a single location, it is little wonder that the city has attracted attention from those wishing to exploit its riches - especially criminals. The Grand Cross has a large imprint on the city, controlling multiple shell companies and agents across the city. Gangs and cartels masquerade as upstanding merchants. While this would normally be cause for concern, due to the cutthroat nature of commerce, merchants in the city frequently interact and make use of these criminal elements. Organizations pay for gangs' services in racketeering or otherwise harassing competitors. Money from laundering is spread evenly amongst all businesses. The line between legitimate and illegitimate blurs so heavily that even the Bureau has resorted to only interfering in the most gruesome and indefensible of cases such as trafficking of people, smuggling of illicit goods, murder or large-scale gang conflicts. Lastly, the city is also subject to the influence of pirates infesting the western seas; though security in the port city is tight, things slip through the cracks - and some pirate organizations participate and benefit from the city's wealth and business.


Trade has been ingrained in the city's culture since the days of its formation, where Midas allegedly declared the city to become a 'haven dedicated to a marketplace for ideas and riches'. This has certainly endured to this day, though the city has certainly adapted to the new realities of Muria after the Midnight Crisis.   The Golden Hand of Midas
Legends of Midas' exploits continue to be regaled by Alfronian bards to this day. It was said that he was not merely a merchant, but an accomplished mage who garnered the favor of Cyrus through his ideals even in the face of the ongoing Fantasia crisis. Of the many boons bestowed upon him, one remains - the Golden Hand, a gift from Cyrus said to have the powers to transmute stone to what its wielder holds most valuable. One infamous tale tells of Midas coming to the aid of a village, where he lent his Golden Hand to the elder to help the village prosper; to his surprise, instead of creating gold or other forms of wealth, the hand bestowed upon them food supplies - as the village had began starving due to scarce resources. Now knowing its true power and purpose, Cyrus used it to not only bring prosperity to Port Alfrons but also stability, comfort and infrastructure. Today, the Golden Hand is in proud display in the city's Museum of Avissinian History, though its veracity is fiercely debated.   Commerce is Life
As a mercantile city, Alfrons' culture is heavily competitive. One is taught from a young age the ways of trade and commerce, in a mixture of institutions and practice in the city markets. Merchants fight with one another over opportunities, with no options left unexplored. However, the people are not quite concerned with the accumulation of wealth; rather, it is the practice of trade that the people of Port Alfrons deem paramount. This is in accordance to the teachings of Cyrus, who extoll the value in trade as an exchange of ideas and feelings, with wealth as an added benefit. Though such practice is practically nonexistent beyond Port Alfrons, as worship in Cyrus has waned considerably, these virtues are still seen today amongst the Alfronian populace.

Public Agenda

Port Alfrons follows according to the directives of the Izeran Federation. Beyond that, it is chiefly interested in perpetuating trade within Muria.
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Ministry of Midas
Judicial Body
Ministry of Midas
Izeran Federation
Executive Body
The Bureau
Neighboring Nations