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Vātula is located at the southern tip of the Murian continent, transitioning from the arid Red Desert into a dense, equatorial jungle. The region features lush coastlines and tropical vegetation, with the settlement of Carthas nestled within its dense foliage. The landscape is characterized by its vibrant biodiversity and treacherous terrain, making travel and communication challenging but rewarding.

Fauna & Flora

The region's flora includes towering tropical trees, vibrant flowers, and a plethora of medicinal plants unique to the equatorial climate. Notable among them are the Fleshweaver Vines, plants that are integral to the local practice of fleshcrafting due to their regenerative properties. The fauna is equally diverse, ranging from common jungle creatures like elephants, panthers and monkeys to more fantastical beings such as the elusive jungle drakes and spirit-touched animals that are revered by the locals. There are also the elusive blood-beasts of the Daeva and the predatory fleshbeasts of the Carnites, most of whom prowl the jungle ruins.

Natural Resources

Vātula is rich in natural resources, including exotic woods, medicinal herbs, and rare minerals. The region's dense jungles are home to a variety of plant life used for fleshcrafting and other medicinal purposes. Additionally, the coastal areas provide abundant fishing opportunities and maritime resources, crucial for the local economy and trade.


The history of Vātula is not written but spoken, passed down diligently by its inhabitants. It was once the seat of the Daeva, an ancient civilization predating even the Arcadians. The Daeva were overthrown by the Carnites, followers of the Corpse God Carne, who in turn were later subdued by the Arcadians. This tumultuous past is preserved only by the oral traditions of Carthas, the sole surviving settlement of Vātula.   Carthas is a tribal city-state, more akin to a loose connection of villages rather than a centralized city. Governance is based on a council of elders and respected leaders who manage the various villages. It is situated in the dense jungles of Vātula and along its southern coastlines, providing a natural barrier against external threats. Alongside its oral traditions, Carthas is deeply rooted in the practice of fleshcrafting, used for both medical and ritualistic purposes. It is apparently the art of the Carnites - followers of an elusive Corpse God who are gifted this macabre branch of magic.   Vātula is home to a unique blend of ethnic groups. The Carthasians, who form the majority, are known for their practice of fleshcrafting and their strong oral traditions preserving the region's history. The Nalka, tall, hairy primate-like humanoids, also inhabit the region, coexisting with the Carthasians and contributing to the local culture. The region's isolation has allowed these groups to maintain distinct cultural identities but remain tight-knit and close.   Vātula, while isolated, is not immune to external threats. Pirates from the Gilded Archipelago southeast and the Revel Islands west frequent the region, pillaging villages and plundering the many riches of the jungle ruins. Raiders from the current factions of Glimmervale pose constant dangers to the region, seeking not riches but wanton slaughter and slaves. Despite its relative isolation, Vātula is a critical port connecting Muria to other continents, including the Gilded Archipelago, Helbrandt, and Glimmervale. This strategic importance has made it a constant target for Muria's most prominent factions, though none have ever deigned to act.
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