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The Frontiers, the southernmost region of the Murian continent, is a land of contrasts, ancient legacies, and modern turmoil. Once the heartland of the powerful and influential Kingdom of Arcadia, the region now lies fractured and contested by various warlords and factions following the destabilization of centralized governance after the Midnight Crisis. Under the sun's relentless glare, the ambitious stake their claim to follow in the footsteps of the great civilizations of the old world free from the laws of the Midlands and the burdens of the Northern Reaches.


The region comprises of parched lands and towering sand dunes that gradually turn into a dense tropical jungle in the southern tip. The climate is mostly dry, with rain rarely ocurring. The region is divided into 3 subregions, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. The subregions are as follows:   Golgonda Dunes:
 The Golgonda Dunes stretch across the northern part of the Frontiers, just south of the Midlands, bordered by the Gaural Plains, the Crystalline Basin, and the Iron Marches separated by a mountain range. The region transitions from dry, barren lands in the north to towering golden dunes of sand as one moves southward. The area is dotted with a few vital oases that provide precious water and serve as hubs of civilization. The cities of Mediana, Avardir, and Osmadh were established as key outposts and have grown into thriving centers despite the harsh conditions. The collapse of centralized governance post-Midnight Crisis has led to increased conflict and competition among local warlords vying for control.   Red Desert
 The Red Desert is the largest subregion in the Frontiers, dominated by its distinctive red sands. It is a vast, desolate area with few settlements, making it one of the most inhospitable parts of Muria. The region is dotted with ruins from the ancient Kingdom of Arcadia, including the legendary lost capital of Amoni Ram. Caradhina and the newly established settlement overpass east of Caradhina are among the few inhabited areas. The Red Desert was once the heart of the Arcadian kingdom, home to its most glorious cities and cultural achievements, but a catastrophic civil war led to the kingdom's fall. This left the region in ruins, with many of its secrets buried in the sands. The Midnight Crisis further destabilized the area, leading to the rise of warlords and the establishment of new power structures.   Vātula
 Vātula is a region of dense jungles and coastlines at the southern tip of the Murian continent, transitioning from the Red Desert's arid climate to an equatorial, tropical environment. The only major settlement is Carthas, a city-state that functions more like a network of connected villages. Vātula's history is steeped in the legacy of the Daeva civilization, one of the oldest known cultures in Muria. The region has been shaped by successive waves of conquest and rebellion, first by the Daeva, then Carnites and later by the Arcadians. The oral traditions of the Carthasians keep these histories alive, though they are largely unknown to the wider world. The Midnight Crisis had less direct impact on Vātula compared to other regions, but the fallout has increased raids and pirate activity from the south. The Nalka are a rare group of tall, hairy primate-like humanoids, living in harmony with the Carthasians and contributing to their unique culture.
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