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History of Naodica

The history of many parts of Naodica, with emphasis on world spanning or major events.


0 1000

Prior to the creation of any nation.

  • 0

    The Creation of Naodica
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The world of Naodica is created by the seven elemental dragons who forge it from the ruins of various failed realities. They take races from different worlds and have them settle upon the surface of the new world that they have created, free from the destruction their realities faced. The races are told that they are to serve and worship the elemental dragons and their descendants.

  • 5


    The Miraki Tribes
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Miraki Tribes (Katsie) began to coalesce into a range in the far southern region of Naodica. Primarily residing on the frozen and volcanic islands off the southern coasts and the peat bogs and highland mountain regions along the coastline. The Dragon Empire left these peoples alone as they were seen as a failure due to their limited 'development' socially.

The Reign of Dragons

1001 1500

Zore drald Katvu or the Reign of Dragons was the nearly500 year period after the founding of the Empire of the Dragon that ruled over the Naodica continent.

  • 1005 ZK

    Introduction of Pact Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Elemental Dragons impart the knowledge of Pact Magic to the various nascent nations that now serve the Dragon Empire. The Elemental Dragons act as the pact holders during this period and can deny magic to those that serve them.

  • 1427 ZK

    1500 ZK

    The Draken Revolution

    The Draken, a race created by the Elemental Dragons to serve as their proxies to the other races, lead a revolution to overthrow and exterminate the Elemental Dragons. The Elemental Dragons had begun to treat the various races as playthings with which to experiment with.

  • 1456 ZK

    Creation of Rune Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Draken Hero, Izral Mourne, created the first treatise on Rune Magic and it's uses. It is magic free from the control of the Elemental Dragons and gives the Draken Revolution an unexpected edge in the uprising.

Age of Magic

1499 2200

Dron drald Eut or the Age of Magic was the 700-year period where the Macgocracy of Derendal ruled over the central region of Naodica and was seen as the preeminent power.

  • 1501 DE

    The Foundation of Derendal

    The Magicracy of Derendal is founded around the principles of magic and knowledge as the guiding lights of society. They heavily used Manacite in their capital to provide a high quality of living to those mages who earned the right to live there.

  • 1554 DE

    The New Pact
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    With the death of the Elemental Dragons Pact Magic had become unusable for a period of time. That was until the dreams started. In these dreams, people discovered that they could create pacts with powerful beings from beyond Naodica and in turn gain access to Pact Magic by obeying certain rules as dictated by the Pact Holder.

  • 1637 DE

    The Discovery of Divine Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Likos in the Torman region of Naodica discovers that their prayers to ancient gods their people worshipped before the Elemental Dragons brought them to Naodica were answered. This led to the discovery that the gods of old would answer the prayers of the faithful and the development of Divine Magic.

  • 2107 DE

    14 /11

    The Founding of Emura

    The Queendom of Emura is founded with permission from the Magocracy of Derendal due to their distance from the core of the nation, and the failed attempts to colonize the nearby Dagroth region. The Queendom maintains a strong matriarchal system with only the first-born daughter of a noblewoman being able to attain familial privileges.

  • 2150 DE

    23 /7

    The Founding of Aetheria

    The Kingdom of Aetheria was founded along the coast of the Shadow Sea. The Magicracy of Derendal had allowed for the Tavros of the region to form the nation so as to reduce the amount of regions that needed to be directly controlled by the Magocracy.

  • 2190 DE

    Founding of Kavol

    The Kingdom of Kavol is founded along the northern edges of the Zurian Sea as a buffer state for the Magocracy of Derendal. Its primary purpose is to keep the southern borders of the Magocracy secure and to give the humans of the region a sense of authority. The Kingdom of Driaz Kore enslaves the local Hig'raf population as they are seen as barely sentient by the other races of Naodica.

  • 2199 DE

    13 /7
    2200 DE

    18 /5

    The Fall of Derendall
    Disaster / Destruction

    Over a period of thirteen hours, the Magocracy of Derendal collapsed. The various manacite mines that dominated the north of the nation detonated all at once destroying the greatest source of manacite in the world and turning the north into a chaos wasteland where magic and the laws of physics were seemingly broken. At the same time, the capital valley of Derendal also dealt with its own manacite mines and the unrefined manacite that they used to power their advanced civilization also detonated leading to the entire central leadership of the nation being destroyed and the center of the continent becoming a chaos waste as well. The various smaller holdings of Derendal quickly turned to infighting and the magic and spells that had been used to make the core of the continent into a verdant paradise also began to fail.

After the Fall

2201 and beyond

Dron Kun Zúerola or the age after the destruction (fall) of Derendal. This period is the modern period and has seen the rise and fall of many nations with none attaining the power or prestige of the two great nations prior.

  • 1 DKZ

    The Dagroth City-States
    Political event

    With the fall of Derendal the City-states of Dagroth were truly free and independent from foreign control. The City-states fought one another constantly for control and dominance over the peninsula as a whole.

  • 7 DKZ

    The Founding of Beyari (Kingdom)

    After years of fighting the Beyari region is united by a Katsie family and their supporters founding the Kingdom of Beyari. Only Katsie are allowed to hold power and all the other races within the nation are either enslaved or made into serfs.

  • 73 DKZ

    The Founding of Tormag

    The Likos of the Torman region unite into the Kingdom of Tormag and quickly enslave the humans who reside within the region. Those Likos who do not support the monarchy traveled primarily to the north of the region and formed the Tinter Triumvirate later.

  • 310 DKZ

    27 /2

    The Founding of Zanaro

    The humans of the Torman region successfully overcome the Likos who ruled over them. They formed a new nation and religion centered in Torman, the Empire of Zanaro, that sees the new Imperial family as divinely appointed. Magic and 'beastfolk' are banned from the nation, as they are seen as the source of the major problems of the world and must be pushed from civilized society.

  • 656 DKZ

    713 DKZ

    The First Pirate Coalition of Restone
    Gathering / Conference

    Several prominent pirates take control of the Restone islands from the Empire of Zanaro who used it primarily for resupply and treated the native Karzie like slaves. The first Pirate Coalition was a major threat to trade in the region and weakened Zanaro's hold on the Zurian Sea.

  • 800 DKZ

    803 DKZ

    The Shadow Storms
    Disaster / Destruction

    A series of major storms appear at random from the Shadow Sea and devistate the shorelines of the various coastal nations. The storms carry with them the taint of shadow which causes a sudden uptick in undead randomly coming into creation.

  • 803 DKZ

    1 /7

    The Arrival of So'Karsa
    Population Migration / Travel

    The floating islands of So'Karsa suddenly appeared floating in the sky above the Shadow Sea to the west of the Dagroth peninsula. These series of floating islands had arrived from a different reality leading credence to the ancient myths that Naodica had been formed from the remnants of destroyed realities. The islands were inhabited by the Neronian, a race of three-eyed, blue-skinned, flying psionic humanoids and various other plants and animals not native to Naodica.

    Additional timelines
  • 805 DKZ

    819 DKZ

    The Korvinhall Revolution

    The Hig'raf and their Human and Karzie supporters lead an uprising to bring an end to the Kingdom of Kavol. The nobility in the wake of the uprising actually flee the nation with their loyal retinue of knights and depart across the Merik Wastes in the hope of a new nation without 'beastfolk'. The revolution still takes many years to succeed due to loyalists and many soldiers who remained behind.

  • 815 DKZ

    Unification of Miraki
    Political event

    The various tribes of Miraki successfully unify peacefully into a united force due to the constant attacks by the Empire of Zanaro to their north and the chaos caused by the sudden appearance of the Imperium of So'Karsa. The United Miraki Tribes begin to slowly retake lands that had long been lost to the Empire of Zanaro much to the surprise of both factions.

  • 819 DKZ

    The Founding of Korvinhall

    The Korvinhall Revolution is successful and the Republic of Korvinhall is formed. It is the first republic to come into existence and is dominated by the Hig'raf as many of the humans who fought in the war either died or departed for different nations. Only those who are born in the nation are allowed to lead the nation, but any species may earn the right to vote and earn citizenship.

  • 858 DKZ

    So'Karsa introduces Spirit Magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Neronian of So'Karsa spread out from the islands and begin to teach the people they meet about Spirit Magic.

    Additional timelines
  • 872 DKZ

    Spirit Magic becomes widely used in Emura
    Religious event

    The Soriven Church of Emura recognizes Spirit Magic as the more correct form of magic for use in rituals. This leads to Spirit Magic to become the dominant form of magic in Emura.

  • 894 DKZ

    947 DKZ

    The Second Pirate Coalition of Restone
    Gathering / Conference

    After the first coalition was defeated by a Zanaro armada the pirates where forced to be more secretive till the formation of the second coalition which once more took control of Restone, but in addition the city-state of Craigstead. When the coalition was disbanded many remained within the city-state of Craigstead making it a haven for piracy.

  • 1005 DKZ

    25 /4
    1012 DKZ

    1 /1

    The First Beyari Revolution

    The people of the Kingdom of Beyari rise up in revolt against the monarchy. The revolution is not a united front and has support from a variety of external forces each seeking to gain loyalty of the nascent revolution. The revolution ends in the dissolution of the Katsie lead monarchy and the installation of a Human lead monarchy backed by the Empire of Zanaro. The Kingdom of Beyari becomes the Principality of Beyari.

  • 1045 DKZ

    11 /8
    1052 DKZ

    30 /3

    Unification of Dagroth
    Military: War

    The Blackthorn Mercenaries launch a war of unification under the leadership of Draven Mourne. The mercenaries use a combination of unconventional tactics, political maneuvering, alliances, and assassinations to unify Dagroth into one nation instead of a series of constantly fighting city-states.

  • 1050 DKZ

    18 /6

    The Founding of Mordrane

    The city-state of Mordrane fearing its eventual conquest by the forces of the Blackthorns unified with several other smaller city-states and towns in the northern Dagroth peninsula and formed the Magocracy of Mardrane in the same vein as the old Magocracy of Derendal.

  • 1052 DKZ

    30 /3

    The Founding of Dagroth

    The Praetorate of Dagroth is officially established as a nation. It has banned all forms of slavery, serfdom, and noble titles by birth. The nation is ruled by those who have served in the military of Dagroth (including those who supported the unification efforts of the Blackthorn Mercenaries). The Praetorate of Dagroth still holds that the nations of Pariten and Mordrane are part of Dagroth even though they have yet to be united into the whole.

  • 1055 DKZ

    13 /5

    Second Beyari Revolution

    The people of Beyari started a revolution to overthrow the Empire of Zanaro-backed monarchy. This revolution is more organized and has a central goal of forming a decentralized republic as opposed to a centralized authority.

  • 1056 DKZ

    The Founding of Restone

    The third pirate coalition is collectively known as the founding of the Restone Federation. The Empire of Zanaro had abandoned the isles nearly twenty years ago due to inability to maintain control of the isles and a newly acquired holding in the Zurian Sea.