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The Nine Years of Banefire

Disaster / Destruction


A member of Vaulta the Bloodrazer's brood begins a journey across the Dragonlands, through the Slumbering & Whispering Isles, before finally arriving in Respite to begin a campaign of terror & destruction. Having dealt almost exclusively with local threats such as Lycan, Covenfolk, and Necromancers for centuries, and before that only the slow-moving colossus of the Giants, Respite was unprepared for the power of an Ancient Dragon.   Even with warning & preparation, little would have allowed them to withstand the unparalled might of Vaulta's kin. Appearing & disappearing with each thunderclap of her wings, she left behind raging wildfires and smelted piles of armor wherever she went. Siege engines were immolated, catapaults were sundered by lightning strikes, heavy crossbow bolts bounced off dragonscale, and no creature could stand a chance against a dragon in the skies.   It was not until Rose Monarch Castiel Capashen climbed the highest peak of Respite and called forth his challenge to the behemoth that a climactic battle would take place. With the aide of all nine Rose Clans, they trapped the beast within the mountain and fought it to the death. Even imprisoned, Vaulta's kin would bring down over half of her assembled foes before Castiel dealt the finishing blow to her heart.   The skull of the Banefire Dragon remains on display over the throne of the Rose Citadel to this day.

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