Atlach-Nacha (OTT - lockh nah KA)
Atlach-Nacha is the spider-god, which is not the same as saying as she is the goddess of spiders. Rather, she is a dire entity in the form of a spider. She spins the The Forever Web. Atlach-Nacha is known as Lolth in the Drow religion.
Physically, Atlach-Nacha resembles a monstrous spider to the untutored eye, but any expect can detect many significant differences. Altach-Nacha can be encountered by summoning her with the proper rituals, or her wratch can be invoked by attacking her web too assiduously. While Atlach-Nacha realizes that the Forever Web must undergo some degree of weathering and wear, she is aware of every iota of damage, and if anyone or anything (e.g. misguided adventurers) prove too dedicated to thwarting her work, she will scurry across the remaining strands of the web to contront them personally.