The Forever Web

This web stretches throughout all of the world's key points and ley lines. Sometimes it passes through other dimensions and can even make a physical appearance in the material world. When the Forever Web is complete, the strands will activate, surging with energy, and entire worlds will each collapse into a singularity, ending it all. It is not clear what happens after that moment, but some believe that Atlach-Nacha will present the world as a new gem for the necklace of some supreme entity. Until the Forever Web is completed, no one can say except Atlach-Nacha.   Fortunately, the Forever Web takes eons to spin, and individual strands can be attacked and cut without much trouble. Atlach-Nacha's webbing is only sticky where she chooses to make it so in order to tangle prey, for example, or to secure an attachment on the side of a precipice. Seeking to destroy the Forever Web, however, always runs the risk of drawing her personal attention.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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