Ollvathar's Academy of Alchemy

In the city of Ilik-Ving lies the prestigious Ollvathar's Academy of Alchemy—an institution dedicated to the ancient and arcane art of potion-making and the advancement of the field of study. The academy stands as a beacon of knowledge in a land often shrouded by ice, snow, and peril, drawing students and scholars from across Nehwon and beyond, eager to unravel the mysteries of elixirs and alchemical brews.  
The Academy exudes a quiet, scholarly charm. The academy is composed of ancient stone buildings, their walls adorned with creeping ivy and sun-dappled vines, offering a rare glimpse of greenery in the otherwise harsh, cold environment. The structures themselves are a mix of old-world craftsmanship and a medieval architectural style, their tall, narrow windows hinting at the quiet pursuit of knowledge within. Black, wooden beams crisscross the facades of the buildings, framing thick stone walls, while arched entryways lead students into secluded courtyards and lecture halls.   The central courtyard, bathed in warm, late-afternoon light, is where students and apprentices can be seen walking—clad in their alchemists’ robes, which billow softly in the breeze. These apprentices clutch scrolls and vials, engaged in quiet conversations as they head to their next lessons or research assignments. The courtyard is peaceful, with patches of foliage softening the hard stone paths, and the presence of an old lantern,enchanted to light the way during the long, dark winters of Ilik-Ving.   The academy’s age is palpable, reflected in the weathered stonework and creeping ivy that has grown thick along the walls. Despite this, the institution feels alive with knowledge and magic. The tall, narrow windows of the classrooms and laboratories are often glowing with the flickering light of alchemical fires and enchanted lamps, as potions are brewed and experiments are conducted. Above, birds, or as some say magical creatures circle the rooftops, adding to the mystical air that surrounds Ollvathar’s Academy.

The Students and Apprentices:

The students of Ollvathar are a diverse group, ranging from eager adolescents to seasoned adventurers seeking to refine their skills. Many hail from Ilik-Ving, but others come from distant lands, driven by a desire to harness the power of potions that offer survival in the harsh environment. Apprenticeships are common here, with each student bound to a master alchemist, learning through practical experience in the academy’s sprawling laboratories.
Students working on a group project in Alchemy by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Students are required to concoct potions daily, testing everything from healing salves to more volatile brews that offer temporary invisibility, increased strength, or the ability to withstand the weather in The Cold Wastes without protection. Despite the dangers inherent in these practices, the school’s culture thrives on the blend of curiosity and risk, fostering a tight-knit but competitive environment.  

Teachers, Professors, and Researchers:

"Alchemy is not merely the art of brewing potions—it is the pursuit of transforming yourself into something greater than you were yesterday." -- Arch-Mage Sirath
The instructors of Ollvathar are master alchemists with lifetimes of experience. They guide students through the fundamentals of potion-making, from gathering rare herbs in The Cold Wastes to distilling the essence of magical creatures. Among them, Arch-Mage Sirath is the most renowned, a mysterious figure who once wandered the Wastes himself, returning with secrets long thought lost to time.
Sirath by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Research at the academy is cutting-edge, with teams dedicated to pushing the boundaries of alchemical knowledge. One ongoing project focuses on potions that can alter the environment itself—creating temporary oases in the frozen desert or manipulating storms to benefit traders and explorers. Collaboration with explorers is frequent, as researchers accompany expeditions to gather rare materials from dangerous locations.  

The Cleaning Staff:

While students and faculty are the face of the academy, the true unsung heroes are the cleaning staff. These quiet, unobtrusive individuals use a combination of traditional methods and low-level alchemical solutions to neutralize the toxic fumes, residue, and spills common in the laboratories. They wear heavy protective gear, often using enchanted brooms and rags that can absorb hazardous substances.
Belthram by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Some say the cleaning staff knows more secrets about potion-making than many of the students, as they are often the ones who see which brews fail or explode. It is rumored that one of them, an older man named Belthram, once worked as a master alchemist but now spends his days scrubbing floors, hiding a past of disgrace or tragedy.  

Concierges, Clerks, and Guards:

Aileen Morgen
The Ollvathar Academy has a large administrative wing, where clerks manage the records of every potion made, ingredient used, and student enrolled. The Head Concierge, Aileen Morgen, is famed for her organizational prowess and encyclopedic knowledge of the academy’s archives. Her office is filled with scrolls and vials cataloged by year and composition, which she guards as if they are treasures.  
Guards, known as the Watchers of Ollvathar, are a formidable presence. They patrol the grounds not only to deter theft or vandalism but also to contain any experiments that might go awry. These Watchers are skilled in counter-alchemical combat, trained to neutralize dangerous potions or subdue rogue magical effects. One of their key responsibilities is managing the academy’s test subjects—sometimes captured creatures or Humanoid criminals sentenced to serve the academy in exchange for a shortened sentence.
The Watchers of Ollvathar by Chad Watson via Midjourney

Test Subjects:

Within the academy, a section of the lower levels is reserved for the most ethically questionable experiments. These chambers house test subjects, ranging from animals to convicted criminals, who serve as live trials for new and untested potions. While the academy claims this is done to further alchemical knowledge, rumors swirl about the dark magic used to control or enhance these creatures.
A prisoner being used in an alchemical experiment by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Ethical dilemmas frequently arise, with some students advocating for the rights of the subjects, while others view them as necessary sacrifices for greater scientific achievement. It is said that Sirath himself has a hidden vault, deep beneath the academy, where his most dangerous subjects are kept.  

Principal Verianthra:

Verianthra and her bat familiar, Valkrin by Chad Watson via Midjourney
The principal of Ollvathar, a cunning and aloof woman called Verianthra, is never seen without her faithful companion, an enormous albino bat named Valkrin. This creature is more than just a pet—it is a familiar, imbued with enchantments that allow it to detect subtle changes in the air, such as poisonous vapors or invisible entities. Valkrin is known to patrol the academy’s halls at night, its silent wings a reminder to mischievous students that they are always being watched.  

The Culture of Ollvathar:

The academy fosters a culture of intense curiosity and innovation. Ilik-Ving's proximity to The Cold Wastes places near The Bones of the Old Ones mountain range, which is filled with rare minerals, fosters a range of resilient and unique flora, and contains natural springs that offer the purest water available in all of Nehwon. These materials are essential components in the concoctions created at the Academy. Every experiment and breakthrough is driven by a desire to unlock the secrets of nature, harnessing the power of the environment for scholarly and practical advancement. Students and teachers work with dedication, often through the long, dark nights, lit by the glow of their alchemical lamps, mixing, distilling, and testing potions that might lead to new discoveries or valuable insights into the natural world.
A graduate of Ollvathar's Academy demonstrates a potion to a Nobleman by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Ollvathar has earned a reputation throughout Nehwon as both a place of great opportunity and great danger. Graduates of the academy often become advisors to kings, healers to armies, or notorious poisoners-for-hire in the underworld. But all who leave its doors are marked by the intensity of their education, forever changed by their time on the edge of the world.


Ollvathar Draycarr, Founder of the Academy of Alchemy
Ollvathar’s Academy of Alchemy is named after its founder, Ollvathar Draycarr, a legendary figure in Nehwon’s history. Ollvathar was a master alchemist and explorer whose obsession with The Cold Wastes led him to the northernmost reaches of the world in pursuit of knowledge and power. Born in Lankhmar, Ollvathar was a prodigy from a young age, quickly surpassing his teachers in the arcane sciences and alchemical arts. He became renowned for his groundbreaking work with rare ingredients and his bold experimentation with elixirs of life, death, and transformation.  

The Legacy of Ollvathar:

Ollvathar’s fascination with The Cold Wastes began after he encountered a mysterious alchemical tome—The Codex of Frost—during a visit to the Great Library in Lankhmar. The Codex detailed ancient techniques for harnessing the arcane properties of ice and cold to create powerful potions and devices. Convinced that the Wastes held untapped magical potential, Ollvathar spent years gathering resources and companions to explore the desolate north.   His quest was both dangerous and lucrative. Along his journey, Ollvathar discovered unique flora and fauna capable of surviving the extreme conditions, as well as ancient ruins that hinted at a lost civilization that had once thrived there. Many of these discoveries led to revolutionary advancements in alchemy, including potions that could stave off frostbite, slow aging, or enhance physical resilience.

Motto: Solve et Coagula

Founding Date
1373 RJ
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
Ollie's, Ollie's Academy, Oliver's, Oliver's Academy
Leader Title
Potions by Chad Watson via Midjourney
To gain entry into Ollvathar's Academy of Alchemy, prospective students must meet several stringent requirements:  
  • Preliminary Aptitude Test (PAT): Applicants must first pass a grueling written exam that tests their knowledge of basic alchemical principles, natural sciences, and logic. The PAT is known for its complexity and covers a wide range of topics, from rare herbs and minerals to chemical equations and historical advancements in alchemy.
  • Recommendation from a Master Alchemist: Every applicant must present a letter of recommendation from a recognized alchemist of high standing, attesting to the student's potential, discipline, and prior achievements in the field. Because Ollvathar's Academy is an institute of higher learning, all candidates must have prior education and experience in the basics and intermediates of alchemy.
  • Practical Demonstration: Candidates are required to perform a live alchemical demonstration before a panel of academy professors. This test challenges their creativity, precision, and ability to think on their feet, as they must synthesize or analyze a compound within a limited timeframe.
  • Scholarly Portfolio: Applicants must submit a portfolio of their past experiments, research, or discoveries. This portfolio should showcase not only their technical ability but also their capacity for original thought and problem-solving.
  • Character and Ethics Interview: Finally, candidates undergo a rigorous interview where they are evaluated on their intellectual curiosity, ethical stance, and motivation for pursuing alchemical mastery. Only those who demonstrate both brilliance and integrity are accepted.
Admission is highly competitive, with only a handful of students accepted each year, ensuring that the academy remains a beacon of excellence.

Cover image: Map of Alchemical Processes by Chad Watson via Midjourney
Character flag image: Ollvathar's Academy of Alchemy by Chad Watson via Midjourney


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Sep 29, 2024 13:00

Finally an academy for alchemy. I think it's good that not everyone is accepted into the academy and that you have to pass a few "entrance tests" to be admitted, but it is assumed that you have at least experimented with alchemy before. "Some say that the cleaning staff know more secrets about making magic potions than many of the students." I like that - it makes it more authentic, especially because it could lead to really interesting stories.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Oct 1, 2024 01:45

Thank you so much and thanks for your feedback!

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