
Ilik-Ving is a small, isolated city at the edge of civilization, nestled close to the Cold Wastes. The city's towering stone walls stand in stark contrast to the endless expanse of ice and snow beyond. Its narrow streets are lined with buildings made from sturdy, weathered stone, designed to endure the biting winds that sweep down from the frozen north. The air is crisp, carrying a constant chill, and the city’s residents are a hardy, resilient people who’ve learned to thrive in this harsh, unforgiving environment. Traders, explorers, and scholars alike pass through Ilik-Ving, their eyes set on the mysteries hidden in the Cold Wastes. Despite its small size, the city buzzes with quiet purpose, a place where people come to prepare for the unknown.   The streets of Ilik-Ving are filled with the scent of burning wood and the distant hum of scholarly discussions. Many of its buildings serve as small outposts or meeting places for adventurers, while others are dedicated to alchemical studies and research, fueled by the rare and exotic resources found nearby. At night, the city is lit by glowing alchemical lamps, casting an eerie, cold light across the snow-covered roofs. Though remote, Ilik-Ving fosters an air of intellectual curiosity, with its inhabitants always searching for knowledge or the next great discovery. It is a place where survival and exploration go hand in hand, and where those who seek fortune or understanding often find themselves drawn into the dangerous mysteries of the Cold Wastes.
Ilik-Ving by Chad Watson via ChatGPT
Founding Date
538 RJ
Inhabitant Demonym
The Ving, Vingian
Location under

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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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