River District

Lankhmar lives and dies by trading its grain and other products by sea with other cities and nations. The river district is where the ships load and unload, and where the grain is stored in Lankhmar's famous silos.   The district is divided into two parts, separated by a finger of land with a tower on it. The north harbor is navy property, where its ships are built and repaired. The navy does not dock their ships here, using the opposite shore of the Hlal river for docking or just weighing anchor in the river. Quick loading and unloading can be accomplished here by docking a galley at the docks.   Few merchant ships dock at the city's port because of its small size. Most ships simply anchor in the river and shuttle crew and cargo to the city. There is a nominal fee for such portage. The ferrying must be performed by guilded Lankhmarts. Grain merchants cart their grain in the summer and fall through the Grain Gate, down Grain Street to the grain silos of the river district. For a small fee the grain is stored and sold by the silo keepers.
Location under

All handwritten notes are from original building assignments as assigned ca. 1985. If there is a map pin on the Lankhmar Map that describes the building otherwise, the information from the Lankhmar Map is to prevail. If the DM desires to change the building's purpose in any way, the DM's desire prevails. I am primarily placing these notes here for historical and nostalgic purposes.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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