Session 0021 : Gargoyles

General Summary

Game date: 16 Zepter 3022

  • The Heretic spend some time rummaging through the Umber Hulk's lair, but find nothing of real value. Benneth on the other hand views what valuable is in a different way. Being both a wizard and a painter, he views several pieces of the Umber Hulk itself to be usable. He tries to take the Hulk's eyes, however he ruins them upon the attempt. He is successful in getting the carapace, which he knows will sell to a specialty armorer that he knows in Lankhmar. He also bottles some of the Hulk's inner fluids, as these would make a great pigment to be used in some of his future paintings.
  • Lilly Genrill inspects the northernmost chamber of the lair and finds two individuals, thrown together in a cage. Lilly and Ironcast began to lower the cage to release these two, but at about halfway down, Ironcast lost his grip on the chain and the cage crashed harshly and noisily onto the stone below, causing each a bit of damage.
  • After a few minutes of making sure the pair were in relatively good health, each introduced himself. Lysi'ander Vae'khyll, or Lev for short, a fair-skinned elf with blue eyes and white hair, was the first to report that they had been captured and offered as food to the Umber Hulk. While Lev wasn't specific as to where he came from, he did say that he had heard rumors (from whom, he did not say) that there were dragons to be born soon and very near to this area. He wanted to investigate the rumor himself. While searching around the Temple grounds, he was caught by a patrolling set of guards. Lev also revealed that he was a cleric.
  • Dorian Greymantle, the second Umber Hulk offering, introduced himself and stated that he was merely searching the Temple's interior for valuables that may have been overlooked. He was told the Temple had been abandoned for centuries, and that apart from an occassional beast that may have found its way in to seek shelter, there was nothing to be afraid of. Not long into his exploration of the main floor of the Temple, he was cornered by a patrolling guard and carried down to the Umber Hulk's lair as well. Since he and Lev were on the grounds at very nearly the same time, the ended up in the cage together.
  • The rest of the party introduced themselves to Lev and Dorian, catching them up to speed why they were there in the Temple. Lev and Dorian both quickly agreed the cause was a noble one and agreed to join the party.
  • In contemplating their next move, the party heard voices coming from the hallway, near the fountain. Cathlynn decided to wildshape and spy upon the activity. Scuttling down to the fountain, she watched as a set of guards escorted a herd of children from the hallway west of the fountain, and further down east past the fountain. Cathlynn decided to follow them.
  • Shortly beyond the fountain, the guards turned to follow a corridor that led to the northeast. The corrider ended at an antechamber. The ceilng of this large 50' square chamber is at least 40 feet high. Over a great fire pit in the center of the room hung several large chains, one of which suspends a great iron pot. Several eye bolts are set in the walls, to each of which is attached a 10 foot long chain. Beside each door is an empty torch bracket. Each of the four iron doors leading out of the chamber -- two on the north wall, two on the east, is secured by a large lock. A great heap of cloth, pillows and skins lies in the southwestern corner, with a barrel nearby.
  • Cathlynn noticed sitting upon the pile of clothe a creature she did not recognize. It appeared as a small giant with two heads. Noting this, she continued to follow witness the guards opening the southernmost door on the easternwall, leading the children onto a set of stairs just beyond, going downwards. Cathlynn took this all in and decided to return to the party to share her findings.
Ettin by Unknown
  • After Cathlynn's return, everyone found a spot in the lair to settle in for the night, deciding to wait until the next day to deal with and try and rescue the children. They needed their rest after all. The Heretic set a night watch routine as is typical of their safety precautions when they found themselves in such dangerous conditions. It was during the second watch when Matteu, the one on duty, heard odd sounds coming from the hallway that led to the octagonal chamber they all were camped within. Curious, Matteu climbed to the hallway that led to the chamber and looked around the corner as stealthily as he could. There, he saw twelve gargoyles flying at full speed towards him.
Gargoyles by Chad Watson via ChatGPT
  • Matteu jumped back down into the chamber pit and alerted the others. A few seconds later, Matteu was completely surrounded by gargoyles and the fight began.
  • The Heretic fought valiently for close to six rounds before they finally overtook the gargoyles. Once again, Benneth eyes the body parts of the gargoyles and began to harvest their wings and talons for future magic experimentations.
  • The remainder of the night was uneventful save for a time about 2 a.m., when @Nebula, turning over in her sleep still half asleep herself, saw Matteu pacing around as if he were lost in thought or trying to remember something. Knowing that Matteu was a mysterious lad, she rolled her eyes and rolled over, falling back into sleep once again.
Lev by Jace
Dorian Greymantle by Chad Watson via Midjourney

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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