Ironcast Character in Nehwon | World Anvil


In the intricate tapestry of Ironcast's lineage, the secret and tumultuous affair between his father, Eldreth Strongbow, and his mother, Grusha, the orcish blacksmith, plays a pivotal role. This chapter of his history, shrouded in passion and conflict, reveals the complexities and frailties of those who would become his parents.   Eldreth Strongbow, a renowned Human warrior in Doriath, was a man of honor and prowess, deeply in love with his wife, Fornaria Strongbow. Their marriage was one of both love and partnership, celebrated and respected throughout the village of Doriath.   On a fateful mission beyond the borders of Doriath, Eldreth's path crossed with Grusha, an orcish blacksmith known for her exceptional skill and formidable presence. Grusha, living on the fringes of society, was a woman of strength and independence, her life a testament to resilience in the face of prejudice and hardship. Eldreth and Grusha's initial meeting was one of mutual respect for their respective skills. However, as they interacted, a forbidden attraction sparked between them. Eldreth, despite his deep love for Fornaria, found himself drawn to Grusha's raw authenticity and the freedom she represented, a stark contrast to the expectations and responsibilities he faced in Doriath. The affair between Eldreth and Grusha was brief but intense, born from a moment of weakness and a desire to escape the pressures of Eldreth's life. It was an escape into a world where he wasn't a celebrated warrior or a devoted husband, but simply a man, vulnerable and unguarded. Grusha, equally captivated, found in Eldreth a connection that transcended the boundaries of race and societal norms. The affair, however, was short-lived, ending as quickly as it had begun. Eldreth, ridden with guilt, returned to Fornaria and his duties in Doriath, vowing never to stray again. Grusha, realizing the impossibility of their union, chose to keep the affair and the resulting pregnancy a secret, raising Ironcast in the Orc community, away from the complexities of his father's world.   Ironcast's birth, therefore, was shrouded in secrecy and complexity. He was the product of a fleeting union, one that was as passionate as it was fraught with conflict. His upbringing in the orcish community shielded him from the truth of his origins for many years, until the desire to connect with his Human heritage led him on a journey that would change the course of his life.   As Ironcast matured, the desire to learn more about his family and heritage grew stronger. Aware of his father's past and the existence of two half-sisters, Cathlynn and Cuuthalion Strongbow, he decided to leave Doriath in search of them. His journey took him through the villages surrounding Doriath, gathering clues and piecing together the fragments of his family's story.   In his travels, Ironcast sought shelter in a cave, a seemingly ordinary choice that would dramatically alter his path. This cave, unknown to him, was one of the Caves of Ningauble. As he awoke from his rest, he found the entrance had vanished, leaving him to navigate a labyrinth of passages within the mysterious caves. After wandering through the winding and enigmatic corridors of the caves, Ironcast finally found an exit, only to discover that he had been transported to the World of Nehwon. He emerged near Ilthmar, a land vastly different from Middle-earth. Spending weeks adjusting to this new world, Ironcast learned about its customs, its people, and most importantly, how different it was from his homeland.   Determined to find his half-sisters, Ironcast sought the guidance of a fortune teller in Ilthmar. Lacking the means to pay, he was at the mercy of her kindness. Moved by his story and plight, the fortune teller agreed to help him for free. She divined that Cathlynn would be found in a village named Blüm, specifically on the day of 12 Zepter. With newfound hope, Ironcast hastily arranged for travel to Blüm, arriving two days before the prophesied date. He took up residence at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, a modest establishment in the village. There, he waited with bated breath, hoping that fate would finally reunite him with his sister, Cathlynn Strongbow.


Family Ties




Towards Cuuthalion




Towards Ironcast



They haven't yet met as of 3022 RJ


Half-brother (Important)

Towards Cathlynn




Half-sister (Vital)

Towards Ironcast



Year of Birth
3007 RJ 15 Years old
Cuuthalion (Half-Sister)
Cathlynn (Half-sister)
LIme Green
Short, black, unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs / 84 kg

Character Portrait image: by Wizards of the Coast


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