Shazzik the Armorer in Nehwon | World Anvil

Shazzik the Armorer (Shahh ZEEK)

Shazzik is famous throughout all of Nehwon for his exquisite and expensive armor. He caters to Lankhmarian Nobles or to anyone who wants to invest more heavily into their armor.  
    Shazzik is originally from the Kingdom of Klesh. He grew up in a small settlement on the westernmost edge of the Jungles, overlooking the Outer Sea. As a young man about 14 years of age, Shazzik went on a journey to explore the northern edge of the jungle. As part of his coming of age ceremony, he and friends also going through the ceremony were to journey to a cavern there that was known to have a salt deposit. Each boy had to journey there and return with a basketful of salt which would in turn be given to the Council of Elders of his settlement. Shazzik nor his friends made it back. When they arrived at the cave, they encountered a group of Quarmallian explorers who quickly overtook the boys and brought them back to Quarmall to be made into slaves.   Shazzik was subsequently purchased by a Quarmallian armorer by the name of Bellatroth who could see intelligence and curiosity in Shazzik's eyes as he watched his master work. Bellatroth genuinely liked Shazzik and decided to show him how to make armor. About four years later, Bellatroth asked Shazzik to join him on a journey to Lankhmar via Kokgnab to sell some armors in both cities. A few hours after arriving in Kokgnab, Bellatroth asked Shazzik to set up a stall at the Kokgnabian Water Market while he went and took a nap. Bellatroth died in his sleep, presumably of old age.   Shazzik mourned Bellatroth as they had grown close together over the years. Bellatroth did not treat Shazzik as slave as so many other Quarmallians do. There was a genuine father/son type of relationship between them. Shazzik stayed in Kokgnab for a few weeks, slowly selling the armor he "inherited", hoping to gain enough money to perhaps find a place to live in Kokgnab, or perhaps to journey back to Klesh. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do exactly. A few days later, Shazzik encountered a High Elven man named Belfabar Armsbard who visited his armory stall. Belfabar was extremely impressed with his craftmanship and inquired. Shazzik seemed embarassed at first. The piece he held in his hand was something Shazzik made himself. He pointed out that his master had made about 75% of the items in the stall and that he had made the remainder. Belfabar asked Shazzik, "Yes.. but who made this helm?" Shazzik smiled proudly, "I made that, Sai! I am rather proud of that one!". Belfabar replied, "You should be. This is exceptional work, especially for an apprentice.". Belfabar paused for a few moments and seemed to be considering something. Shazzik noticed this and disliking the pause in conversation, quickly said "It is normally 200 gold rilk, but for you my friend, I can take 100". Belfabar blinked in surprise. "100 gold rilk? Sir.... ". Belfabar leaned in towards Shazzik's ear and whispered, "this helm is easily worth 1,000 gold rilk. I tell you what. Come work for me. Be my apprentice. I will show you how to make this helm worth 5,000".   Shazzik looked at Belfabar with hopeful disbelief. "Are you.... are you serious?". Belfabar smiled widely. "I am very serious. As long as you have your master's approval to leave his service, I would like you to come and work for.... no... not for. I'd like you to come work WITH me.   Shazzik explained his situation and that his master had died suddenly earlier that week. A few minutes later, Shazzik accepted Belfabar's apprenticeship, and a few hours later they both boarded a ship sailing to Mythan Belanore, city of the Golden Elves. Shazzik and Belfabar worked together for 11 years. Belfabar took Shazzik's raw talent and perfected it. Eventually the time came when Shazzik decided to try his own hand at a owning a shop and thus he set out to Lankhmar, his original destination eleven years prior.   Shazzik to this day owns and runs an armory simply called "Shazzik the Armorer", which is located on the southeast corner of Carter and Festival Street, overlooking the Spire of Rhan, in the Plaza District.


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Jul 1, 2023 21:19

Shazzik is hawt. Lol

Feb 26, 2024 20:08

Yes, Shazzik has game for sure, lol

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