
In the sprawling, shadowy realms of Nehwon, specifically within the enigmatic and feared city of Ilthmar, the Skaven weave their dark tales of ambition and conquest. Known variously as the ratmen, the "Children of The Horned Rat," or the "Underfolk," these formidable creatures are part of a vast, intelligent race of Humanoid rats. Their empire, whispered about in hushed tones as the "Under-Empire," stretches beneath continents, forming a labyrinthine network of tunnels and cities unseen by the world above. At the core of this domain is the dread city of Skavenblight, nestled deep within the bowels of Nehwon, serving as the heart of Skavendom and the rumored birthplace of their race.   The Skaven, a species marked by their malevolence and cunning, have spread their insidious influence throughout Nehwon, their numbers a shadowy threat to the surface dwellers. With a society built on the principles of treachery and survival, they have carved out an empire whose might and sheer population could easily engulf the realms of men in turmoil and strife.   Among the myriad races and civilizations that dot the landscapes of Nehwon, none rival the Skaven in their discord and ambition. Even the fiercest Human tribes or the most barbarous of creatures pale in comparison to the internal divisions and relentless power struggles that define the Skaven Under-Empire. This fragmentation, however, is driven by a primal urge for supremacy, to dominate not only each other but all of Nehwon.   For the Skaven, notions such as compassion or unity are foreign, discarded in favor of a brutal doctrine of survival of the fittest. Their society is a crucible where only the most ruthless, cunning, and powerful can rise to the top, ensuring that despite their internal conflicts, they remain bound by a singular, ominous goal: to enact the "Great Ascendancy." This apocalyptic vision foresees the Skaven swarming over Nehwon, claiming dominion over all.   Central to their belief in their destined supremacy is the worship of The Horned Rat, a deity of unparalleled malevolence within the Skaven pantheon. The Horned Rat represents the very essence of what it means to be Skaven: cunning, cruelty, and the dark promise of endless expansion. It is under his sinister gaze that The Council of Thirteen, comprising the most powerful warlords of the Under-Empire, dictates the fate of their kind. Seated in a circle of shadow and influence, they enforce the will of The Horned Rat, maintaining a precarious unity through fear and power, ensuring the Under-Empire's survival and its relentless hunger for conquest.

Basic Information


General Physical Characteristics:

Body Structure: Skaven are bipedal, with a posture that combines humanoid and rodent features. They possess long, thin limbs, allowing for both swift running and adept manipulation of tools and weapons.r Size: While their exact size can vary, Skaven are often described as being slightly smaller than an average human but larger than a dwarf, with some variation depending on their clan or status.
Skin/Fur: Their body is covered in fur, which can range in color from dirty browns and greys to black, often reflecting their living conditions and clan affiliation. Their skin, visible on the ears, nose, and tail, is typically leathery and dark.
Head and Facial Features: Skaven have elongated, rat-like heads with sharp, pointed snouts. They possess large, beady eyes adapted to low-light conditions, usually red or yellow in color. Their ears are large and pointed, providing acute hearing.
Teeth: True to their rodent lineage, Skaven have prominent incisors that continually grow, necessitating constant gnawing to keep them in check. These teeth are capable of gnawing through wood, bone, and even soft metals.
Limbs: Their arms end in clawed hands with four fingers and an opposable thumb, granting them dexterity in wielding weapons and crafting. Their lower limbs are powerful and adapted for running, with clawed feet that enhance their climbing ability.
Tail: A long, hairless tail provides balance and agility, crucial for their swift movements and acrobatic feats.

Internal Anatomy:

Respiratory and Circulatory Systems: While not explicitly detailed, their endurance in battle and ability to thrive in subterranean environments suggest efficient respiratory and circulatory systems capable of coping with low-oxygen conditions.
Digestive System: Likely omnivorous with a strong inclination towards carnivorous diets, their digestive system is presumably robust, allowing them to consume and derive nutrients from a variety of foods, including meat, grains, and possibly even refuse.
Reproductive System: Skaven are known for their incredibly high birth rates, a trait that contributes to their overwhelming numbers. This implies a reproductive system optimized for rapid breeding cycles.

Specialized Traits:

Disease Resistance: Skaven are notoriously resilient to diseases, a trait that allows them to thrive in unsanitary conditions. This could be attributed to a highly effective immune system or a symbiotic relationship with the pathogens prevalent in their environment.
Night Vision: Their large, luminous eyes suggest an adaptation for night vision, allowing them to see in the dark, murky depths of their underground empire.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction Rate:

Skaven are known for their extraordinarily high reproductive rate, which is a key factor in their ability to maintain such vast numbers despite frequent internecine conflicts, wars, and high mortality rates. This rapid breeding cycle ensures that Skaven numbers can quickly rebound from losses, allowing them to swarm their enemies with sheer force of numbers.
  Breeding Pits: Skaven society utilizes breeding pits where female Skaven, known as breeders, are kept for the sole purpose of producing offspring. These breeders can give birth to litters of numerous pups, ensuring a constant supply of new Skaven to replenish their ranks.
Variability and Mutation: Skaven exhibit a high degree of genetic variability, which is evident in the existence of various clans that specialize in different forms of warfare, magic, and technology. This variability also extends to physical differences, such as the larger, more formidable Stormvermin and the magically potent Grey Seers.
  Mutations: Exposure to Warpstone, a powerful and unstable source of magic, frequently causes mutations among the Skaven. These mutations can be beneficial, granting individuals increased size, strength, or magical abilities, or they can be detrimental, leading to physical deformities or insanity. Warpstone’s influence on Skaven genetics is profound, playing a role in the rapid evolution and diversification of their species.
  Clan-Specific Traits: Certain clans exhibit specific traits that have been honed over generations, suggesting a form of selective breeding or genetic predisposition towards particular skills or attributes. For example, Clan Moulder excels in the creation of monstrous war beasts, while Clan Eshin is renowned for its stealthy and agile assassins.

Social Structure and Genetics:

The Skaven’s social structure, with its emphasis on survival of the fittest, likely plays a significant role in shaping their genetic diversity. Individuals who survive the treacherous and competitive environment of Skaven society to rise to positions of power are more likely to pass on their genes, ensuring that traits beneficial for survival and dominance are perpetuated.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced Sensory Capabilities:

Night Vision: Skaven possess excellent night vision, which allows them to see in the dark tunnels of their Under-Empire with clarity. This trait is essential for their nocturnal activities and gives them an advantage in low-light conditions.
Acute Hearing: Their large, pointed ears are not just for show; Skaven have highly developed hearing, capable of picking up sounds that humans and many other races would miss. This acute sense aids them in detecting the approach of enemies or the whispers of treachery within their ranks.
Heightened Smell: With their rodent-like snouts, Skaven have a keen sense of smell. This allows them to detect food, enemies, and pheromonal signals from their kin, facilitating communication and survival in their dense, maze-like environments.

Extrasensory Capabilities:

Warpstone Sensitivity: Skaven have a unique connection to Warpstone, a magical, radioactive mineral that is the solidified form of Chaos energy. This connection gives them a certain sensitivity to its presence, which they exploit for power, weapons, and magical artifacts. However, this sensitivity can also lead to mutations or insanity due to prolonged exposure.
Magic Users: Certain Skaven, particularly those from the Grey Seers and the Plague Monks of Clan Pestilens, have the ability to channel the Winds of Magic, granting them powerful sorcerous abilities. This magic use is often guided by the will of the Great Horned Rat, their deity, and can manifest in destructive spells, disease proliferation, or manipulation of the minds of both Skaven and their enemies.
Telepathic Communication: While not universally applied across all Skaven, the Grey Seers and other magically inclined individuals are sometimes depicted as having telepathic abilities. These allow them to communicate silently or command their underlings over distances, coordinating their devious plans with efficiency and secrecy.

Specialized Communication:

Pheromonal Signals: In line with their rat-like nature, it's plausible that Skaven use pheromonal signals for complex social interactions, warning of danger, or signaling dominance. Such chemical communication would be integral to orchestrating their massive, swarming attacks and maintaining order in their chaotic society.
The Skaven
Scientific Name
Skavenus tyrannicus
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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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