The Horned Rat

The Horned Rat stands as a figure of immense reverence and terror within the pantheon of malevolent entities, especially among the Skaven, a race of intelligent, Humanoid rats. This deity embodies decay, desperation, and the darker aspects of survival, echoing the very essence of the Skaven existence. The Horned Rat's influence extends far beyond mere worship, permeating every aspect of Skaven society, from their political structures to their relentless ambition to dominate the surface world.  

The Secret Sect of Ilthmar: Cult of the Horned Rat

In the shadowy alleys and forgotten ruins of Ilthmar, a secret sect dedicated to the Horned Rat practices its dark rites far from the prying eyes of the surface world. This cult, composed of both Skaven and daring or desperate members of other races, seeks to extend the Horned Rat's influence beyond the confines of the Under-Empire, infiltrating surface societies to sow discord and corruption.  

Practices and Influence

The cult operates in the shadows, its rituals steeped in secrecy and the language of prophecy. Offerings and sacrifices to the Horned Rat are common, with the sect going to great lengths to acquire suitable victims and materials for their ceremonies. Their rites often involve the invocation of the Horned Rat's power, seeking his blessings for their endeavors or guidance for their next move.   Despite the inherent risks of such a diverse congregation, the sect has managed to maintain cohesion through a shared belief in the Horned Rat's supremacy and the promise of power he represents. Their influence in Ilthmar and beyond is growing, a testament to the insidious reach of the Horned Rat and the appeal of his nihilistic doctrine.   The Horned Rat, with his dominion over decay and desperation, remains a potent symbol of the Skaven's indomitable will and their dark ambitions. The secret sect of Ilthmar represents a significant expansion of his worship, demonstrating the deity's ability to inspire devotion and terror in equal measure. As the sect's influence spreads, so too does the shadow of the Horned Rat, promising turmoil and darkness for all who dwell above the Under-Empire.


The Council of Thirteen: His Earthly Voice

The Horned Rat's will is interpreted and enforced by the Council of Thirteen, the ruling body of the Skaven Under-Empire. This council consists of the twelve most powerful Skaven leaders, each representing a different aspect of Skaven society, with the thirteenth seat perpetually reserved for the Horned Rat himself. The council oversees all major decisions within the Under-Empire, from war declarations to the allocation of resources, ensuring that the Horned Rat's malevolent will is carried out across the realm.


Origins and Worship

The origins of the Horned Rat are shrouded in mystery and fear, entwined with the very creation myths of the Skaven race. According to legend, the Horned Rat emerged from the dark corners of reality, a manifestation of all things repulsive and cunning. He is often depicted as a colossal rat with a pair of twisted, gnarled horns, eyes ablaze with malevolence, and a body wreathed in shadows.   Worship of the Horned Rat is as widespread as it is fanatical among the Skaven, with every corner of their vast Under-Empire echoing with his praises. To the Skaven, he is not just a god but the ultimate embodiment of their race's ideals: cunning, brutality, and the relentless pursuit of power at any cost. His teachings encourage betrayal, scheming, and the sacrifice of the weak, reinforcing the Skaven's natural tendencies toward backstabbing and internal strife.  


The sect in Ilthmar was founded by exiles and visionaries, Skaven who believed that the worship of the Horned Rat should not be confined to their kind alone. They saw in the decadence and desperation of Ilthmar's underbelly a fertile ground for their faith. The cult's primary goal is to prepare the world for the eventual rise of the Skaven and the dominion of the Horned Rat, using sabotage, subterfuge, and dark magic to undermine the foundations of surface societies.

From the Shadows, Greatness

Secret, Religious sect
Ruling Organization
Related Species

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: The Horned Rat by Chad Watson


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