The Dead Zone

The Dead Zone, a vast expanse of ocean bordering Western Nehwon to the west and south, is infamous for its violent and unpredictable water spouts, a factor that usually discourages sailors from exploring beyond its perimeters. However, contrary to popular belief, some intrepid sailors have reported that these water spouts, while real, are not constant. They claim that these natural hazards appear intermittently and can be safely navigated through by crews who are adept and experienced.   The origin of these water spouts remains a mystery. Some scholars, focusing on natural explanations, believe they result from a combination of The Rip: A Legendary Oceanic Current in Nehwon and the underwater topography that predisposes the region to these aquatic vortexes. On the other hand, religious leaders propose a divine explanation, theorizing that the gods crafted the Dead Zone either to shield Western Nehwon's inhabitants from the external world or vice versa, the interpretation varying based on who is consulted.   Regardless of their cause, the reality of these water spouts and their potential hazard is undeniable. Vessels venturing within 5 nautical miles of any such spout must navigate with extreme caution, facing a high risk of capsizing if they fail a DC 21 Roll.
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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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