The Plague of Bats

"The Plague of Bats" is a somber chapter in the history of the Kingdom of Minethol, a calamitous event that decimated over two-thirds of its population. This catastrophe unfolded in a period marked by prosperity and peace under the rule of the House of Rūhn, casting a long shadow over the kingdom's golden age.   Originating from the dark and dense forests of the Netherwood, the plague was first reported by the rural communities on the fringes of the kingdom. It began with a sudden, inexplicable surge in the bat population, which soon invaded towns and villages in unprecedented numbers. Initially considered a mere nuisance, the severity of the situation became apparent when a mysterious illness started to spread like wildfire among the populace.   Symptoms of the plague were swift and merciless, beginning with fever and disorientation, quickly followed by acute respiratory distress. The infected found no relief, and traditional healers and royal physicians alike were baffled by the speed and lethality of the contagion.   Scholars later speculated that the bats were carriers of a virulent pathogen, possibly awakened from the ancient depths of the Netherwood by some unknown disturbance. Theories ranged from arcane experiments gone awry to a curse from a forgotten deity, but the true origin remained a mystery.   The Plague of Bats brought the kingdom to its knees. The capital, Ar Remena, once a bustling center of trade and culture, became a ghost town, its streets empty save for the mournful wails of the bereaved and the grim tolling of bells marking yet another mass burial.   In this dark time, the House of Rūhn faced its greatest challenge. With the royal family itself not spared by the plague, the kingdom's leadership was thrown into chaos. Desperate measures were taken, including quarantines, the burning of afflicted areas, and appeals to the divine through mass prayers and offerings.   It was during this period that the "Night of a Thousand Lanterns" took place, a poignant event where the citizens of Ar Remena, defying the curfew imposed to curb the plague's spread, lit lanterns in memory of the fallen and in defiance of the darkness that had engulfed their land. This act of collective resilience and mourning is commemorated annually, a reminder of the kingdom's capacity for unity in the face of despair.   The Plague of Bats eventually receded as mysteriously as it had arrived, leaving the kingdom profoundly altered. The massive loss of life resulted in significant social and economic shifts, with entire villages abandoned and swathes of farmland left fallow.
Affected Species

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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