The Republic of Karja Tal - Organization


Domain : Mercantile / Trade Guild Specialization

  • Diplomacy: + 2 (1 for Mercantile, 1 for Trade Guild)
  • Espionage: + 0
  • Lore: - 1
  • Operations: + 2
  • Communications: 11
  • Resolve: 10
  • Resources: 13 (12 for Mercantile, 1 for Trade Guild)

Domain Features

Mercantile guild officers gain access to the following domain features.  
  • Soldiers of Fortune (Special Unit). Make a DC 13 Operations test as a domain action. On a success, you muster the Soldiers of Fortune, a highly professional (and very expensive) special unit of mercenaries. (See the Warfare chapter for full details on how to read a unit card.)
  • Spared No Expense. At the start of a battle, you can use a domain reaction to make a DC 14 Operations test. On a success, increase the levels of two of your domain’s defenses by 1.
  • Healthcare. As a bonus action, take a power die from your domain’s pool. You immediately spend and roll a number of your Hit Dice equal to the number on the power die, regaining hit points equal to the total of Hit Dice rolled.
  • Business Connections. Once per intrigue, you can make a DC 13 Diplomacy test as a domain bonus action. On a success, all of your domain’s officers begin the next combat against an opposed domain’s officers with their hit point maximum and current hit points increased by 5 × your domain size. This benefit disappears at the end of the combat.
  • Well Fed. As a domain action, make a DC 13 Operations test. On a success, each of your infantry units gains a bonus to Morale equal to your domain size until the end of the next battle.
Karjian Citizens
Karjian Infantry

Foreign Relations

Geopolitical, Republic
Neighboring Nations


Both factions value market economies and therefore have a natural affinity.


The Republic of Karja Tal is primarily run by Guild Leaders. These leaders are driven by market economy, prosperiy and trade, and have little care about rulership for the sake of rulership. That said, they realize they could be taken over by a stronger nation, so they do organize their government to include funding for defenses.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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