Thhesendarium Rangers

In the heart of the Kingdom of Thesendarium, under the reign of King Huron II, an elite military force arose – the Thhesendarium Rangers1, aka "The Rangers". These warriors are not mere soldiers; they embody the pinnacle of skill, loyalty, and valor. Trained in combat, stealth, and strategy, the Rangers exist to shield the kingdom from both hidden and overt threats. To this day, the Rangers exist and serve Huron VII.   The Rangers operate under a stringent code known as the Creed of the Rangers. This creed emphasizes honor, courage, and service to the Kingdom. Each Ranger swears an oath to defend Thesendarium and its ruler at all costs. Their loyalty is unwavering, their dedication steadfast. The Rangers are not only defenders; they are the guardians of the kingdom's ideals and its people.   The Rangers train in a secluded fortress, the Garrison of Valor, situated in the rugged terrain near the kingdom's border. Here, young recruits transform into formidable warriors. Their training is rigorous, encompassing swordsmanship, archery, horsemanship, and survival skills. Beyond physical prowess, the Rangers also learn diplomacy and espionage, understanding that intelligence is as vital as force in their missions.   King Huron II, known for his astuteness and strategic acumen, saw the Rangers as more than a military force. They were his advisors in matters of security and defense. Huron VII frequently summons his top Rangers to the Royal Court for counsel on crucial decisions that impact the kingdom.   During Huron II's reign, Thesendarium faces a challenging period known as the Shadow War. This era is marked by unseen enemies and covert conflicts. The Rangers, with their unparalleled skills, play a critical role in safeguarding the kingdom from espionage and sabotage. Their actions, often obscured from public view, are essential in maintaining Thesendarium's stability and sovereignty.   Over time, the legend of the Thesendarium Rangers grows. Stories of their bravery, loyalty, and heroism spread across the kingdom and beyond. They become more than soldiers; they embody the spirit of Thesendarium. The Rangers inspire generations, symbolizing hope and strength.   Across Thesendarium, from bustling cities to the most remote villages, the Rangers' presence is felt. They patrol the borders, protect the populace, and stand as the first line of defense against threats. The Rangers are more than an army; they are the protectors of the realm, the keepers of peace, and the custodians of the kingdom's pride and honor.


  • Commanding General
  • General
  • Colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
  • Sergeant Major
  • First Sergeant
  • Master Sergeant
  • Sergeant First Class
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Specialist
  • Private First Class
  • Private
1. Note: In the Thhessendarium dialect, an extra "h" is added when the word Thesendarium is used as an adjective. This is to distinguish the word between its role as an adjective vs. its role as a proper noun.

Tendes Siil, Theron Thiir

Military, Army
Alternative Names
The Rangers
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Thhesendarium Rangers

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character flag image: by Chad Watson


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