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The Twin Crowns

Hiro and Hydra Nereus

The young diplomats that oversee much of the city's operations are sole heirs to the Grand Duchess Autonoe and grandchildren of the Emperor himself -- Hiro and Hydra Nereus -- also known as the Twin Crowns of Nereida.   In the city, they are regarded as a political spectacle. They host lavish gatherings for some of the most prominent names on their own island in the heart of Nereida, and regularly attract the company of foreign inventors, and yet they very rarely make a public appearance. As far as anyone is concerned, they have no reason to hide -- they bear the telltale birthmarks of the Cyr, and hold one of the highest positions of power within the city -- but some of the locals have their suspicions. Some say that the Twin Crowns are illegitimate. Other suggest that they are secretly draining the city's coffers to steal away back to Balkur. And a quiet few even speak of sinister dealings between the twins and their favorite scholar, The Mad Alchemist, who hides herself away in the Alchemist's Tower to protect their precious experiments.
Lawful Evil
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