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The Council of the Scribing

Upon convening with the other gods, Cevena and Ok’Magar relayed their discovery to the rest of the pantheon. Each god (save Molous, who remained absent, as usual) agreed that the unmaking that this Void threatened would be a terrible fate. Even Keris, who basks in destruction, found this reversion to nothingness abhorrent.   It was at this council, for the first time, that the gods came to understand the risks to their own existences. They felt fear then; for some, they felt fear for the first time. They resolved that they must find a way to prepare for the inevitable incursion against Naria itself.   Evelia, the Brightflame proposed a solution. They would assist an additional god to ascend, who would be the keeper of their histories, memories, and faith. In this way, if any of them were to become unmade, they might be remade by way of the records kept of them.   This meeting came later to be known as the The Council of the Scribing.

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