Order of the Mutant Organization in Neuorban | World Anvil
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Order of the Mutant


Every member of the order answers to the Grandmaster directly, with the Grandmaster being expected to be involved in every important day to day operation, as well as over seeing the studies conducted by the order, ensuring their innate curiosity doesn't breed heretical results.


Members of the Order of the Mutant are those who saw the Hunter's Bane, the alchemical brew all Blood Hunters imbibe, as only a stepping stone to a road of new possibilities. They are hunters first and foremost, but each is a learned scholar of alchemy and biology (natural and unnatural alike) as well. Their bodies are like a canvas, which each hunter is expected to develop into a masterclass work or die trying. They are unafraid of undergoing surgeries, even ones that are experimental or dangerous, or even replacing entire limbs and organs if it means they have an advantage over their quarry. They are taught to be meticulous in nature, studying their prey until they know it better than it knows itself and ensuring they are always the one with the advantage. This leads them to be more personable than a hunter from the Ghostslayers, as a silver tongue goes a long way in getting information during a hunt, but also prone to be risk takers, though this risk usually endangers anyone but them. They are equal parts hateful and infatuated with the quarry they hunt, which can be a tough tight rope to walk for some.

Public Agenda

The Order of the Mutant not only seeks to hunt its quarry, but learn from it and use newfound knowledge as a weapon against them in the future. They are unafraid of change, openly embracing it in fact. To become completely adaptable to any possible situation is the goal of every Mutant Blood Hunter.

The body is just like any tool: it is only useful if it can adapt to meet the challenge its master faces.

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