Order of the Lycan Organization in Neuorban | World Anvil
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Order of the Lycan


Ruled over by a Grandmaster, the Order of the Lycan gives the most autonomy to its members. Though they are all bound to the word of their Grandmaster, they are not obligated to report regularly when not summoned and can choose to take apprentices and induct new blood into the order so long as their Blooded Ritual is honored.


The Order of the Lycan hosts the fewest number of Blood Hunters in its ranks out of all the orders. This is largely due to their selection process being so rigorous and, often times, lethal. Surviving the Hunter's Bane is already an obstacle that many never overcome, as it needs to be imbibed at a young age. Those who wish to join the Order of the Lycan then must survive arguably the greatest trial any Blood Hunter is tasked with: They must survive for three weeks and emerge with a worthy trophy from The Preserve. Though they train constantly from the time of imbibing the Hunter's Bane to having to survive in The Preserve (usually a period of seven to eight years in length), at most only a third of the initial prospects who are sent in emerge and prove their worth. Should they emerge the victor, they are justly rewarded with the cornerstone of the order: A lycan essence. This essence is transferred into the newly blooded hunter, allowing them to tap into the strength of the creature it came from. How the essence is selected is largely shrouded in mystery, with the range of possibilities being just as vague. The Order of the Lycan has collected many specimens over the years, clearly not limited to the most common lycans known to mortals (werewolves, werebears, wererats, etc.). They are also seen as the most rooted in tradition of all the orders, preferring the "old ways" and trusting and developing a hunter instinct. They are referred to some as luddites because of this, despite being just as diligent in thier study and cataloging of knowledge as the other orders.

Public Agenda

The Order of the Lycan sees themselves as strong members of the greater pack, meaning they are tasked with protecting those who cannot protect themselves and cultivating the next generation of defenders. They also seek to be sensitive to the will of nature itself, though what this means and how it looks is usually a highly personal and unique thing for each Blood Hunter of this order.

To hunt beasts and destroy them utterly, one must walk a life age in their very tracks.

Leader Title
Parent Organization


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