
The city of Waterdeep is a flourishing center of trade and culture of the eastern continent. A bustling city, it is also one of the most advanced in technology, boasting airships and paved roads. Nimblewright constructs are becoming more and more common and can be seen throughout the city.   The port is always busy with merchant craft bringing wares from the western lands as well as down the coast. A number of factions exist within the city as well as guilds.   Waterdeep is ruled by the Open Lord and a council known as the “Masked Lords”. The Open Lord, known to all leads the city and its people while the Masked Lords are anonymous so that their political lives won’t be influenced by their everyday lives. The Masked Lords are often powerful wizards.   Waterdeep is a coastal melting pot of cultures and peoples seeing Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, etc. throughout the city. One race that is rarely seen in Waterdeep is the Dragonborn however.
Large city
Location under


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