The Eastlands

The eastern continent known as "The Eastlands", is a land primarily of Humans, centered around the trade city of Waterdeep. It is a land of four seasons, each extreme in their own right and distinct. Each city commands its own lands and each has its own unique culture and set of laws.   The northern regions are ever snow covered and cold, a place where people are more primitive and lead lives of survival. The southern reaches are largely unexplored jungle, hiding mysterious creatures some say may be Dragonborn. To the north east, Orcs have made their home and will raid other cities from time to time.   The city of Starmore and The Bellowing Peaks are home to a mix of both Human, Gnome, and Dwarf, originating from ages past. To the east near Lake Ventia, Halflings can be found if one knows where to look, hidden amongst the hills.   The Mirrored Sea is ever a busy waterway, though treacherous. It is the primary trade route from Waterdeep to Weststar, the gateway to the western continent. Having crossed the Mirrored Sea, one will find themselves making port on the Isle of Ashnach. A place tropical in nature and brimming with magical auras. It is thought that the Isle is some remnant of the catastrophe known as The Fall.


  • Rustborne
    Nestled in the forests of the Northern Wilds, near the Bay of Mist lies the small town of Rustborne and Rustborne Manor. It is said that Rustborne Manor existed long before the rest of the town and indeed, though maintained through the ages, it is apparent that the building is quite ancient. Little is heard from the town, and its people speak in hushed whispers, glancing over their shoulders often. You never know who could be listening, or watching...
Location under


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