
Japrillon is mainly comprised of vast deserts with the occasional jagged mountain ranges or dry plateaus. It has a breathable atmosphere for most species and a temperature equivalent to Terra's African continent. The deserts however are nowhere near empty, as countless wrecked ships and cargo of all sizes dot the land; remnants of an old HELIX fleet. The newly settled junkers have taken to making cities and settlements in the hulls of these ships, using the junk to power their technologies and trade ships. Meanwhile, remnants of the HELIX robots have banded together in the mountains, building monasteries where they pursue esoteric enlightenment.


Major Locations

  • Japri Outpost - Crashed HELIX battleships turned into a large trading outpost
  • Mountain Monasteries - Isolated and elevated settlements
  • The Scrap Sea - Desert littered with scrap ships
  • The Jagged Lands - Harsh mountain ranges

Fauna & Flora


  • Gnolls - Savage hyena-like humanoids
  • Sand Worms - Giant burrowing worms


Japrillon was once an empty desert planet, only gaining the attention of the AI-operated virus; HELIX due to its strategic position near Terran space. A giant fleet orbited the entire planet, ready to catch passing ships or to embark on an invasion; but the destruction of HELIX's mainframe caused the fleet to deactivate. Without power or command, they eventually crashed into the atmosphere and landed all across the desert, creating the junk landscape that makes Japrillon what it is today.   Shortly after the Cataclysm, a roaming band of salvagers came across Japrillon as their mothership was running low on fuel. As the horizons of the galaxy had shortened immensely, and their supplies were low, the majority of them chose to settle on the planet; seeing the endless scrap as a sign from their technological gods to make it home. Up until the Dawn they remained secretive and reclusive, building settlements from the junk ships until finally reaching out and allowing outside trade and visitors.   Many salvager settlements gladly work with outsiders to go on junk hunts or trade technology, but the planet also suffers from an overpopulation of Gnolls, primitive and brutish humanoids, specifically in the mountain ranges. The Gnolls have also benefitted from the salvage and junk, becoming more techologically advanced and more vicious in their banditry against travellers and traders.   Upon the formation of the Coalition of Independent Monarches, contact was made with a secretive group of HELIX robots who resided in the mountains. At first tensions were high, especially with Terrans who called for their immediate extermination. Queen Kittiana did not allow this however and met with the synthetics. They proved themselves to be peaceful, and in fact esoteric monk-like people, who wished only to revere and rebuild a good version of HELIX, not the murdering virus it was twisted into. This caused much ire in the Union, but they could do little as the so-called Children of Helix were registered and protected in the New Concord Agreement as vassals of the Coalition.


  • Japrillon Map
    A map of the desert planet Japrillon.
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species