The Glow

A plane of reality overlapping the mortal realm, the Glow is the source of all Celestial magic in the universe ever since the Extinction. It is also the new afterlife for departed souls ever since Heaven, Hell, Oblivion, and Purgatory were all destroyed. After death, a person’s soul is judged by the celestial R'Tas according to Celestial Law. If they have not severely broken that law, or have redeemed themselves if they have, then they will arrive in the Tower located in the center of the city of Nexus. There is no death in the Glow, as there is minimal aging and illness, however the Rift can enthrall souls after enough damage and torture to turn them into mindless servants for their army; a fate worse than death for many. Meanwhile, there is also no reproduction as children only grow to adulthood and then stop there for the rest of their afterlife.
Magical Realm
Included Locations

Articles under The Glow