When the Counsel of Peace (protection and proliferation) gathered for the first time. Lands were allotted, plans were made, leaders were set, and the Constitution of the New Laurelians was written and signed.
A history -and future- timeline of Craicath. Some parts will have more detail than others, due to the nature of bookkeeping in that region.
This is the first era of Craicath. The land was fruitful, green, and happy.
When the Counsel of Peace (protection and proliferation) gathered for the first time. Lands were allotted, plans were made, leaders were set, and the Constitution of the New Laurelians was written and signed.
Araz was traveling cross-country to the east coast, and he got stuck in the desert. It's unknown how he got out, but he was the first to find himself surrounded by this desert's magical power.
The Tricol alliance of the three colonies in Craicath breaks apart, during the Treble Conflict, resulting in the lamentable demise of Zerna Duvell.
When Danhazy Grove was maliciously burnt by Araz, who somehow convinced a dragon to light the forest on fire. That fire dried up that land's only river, left the Forest Watch in a pile of rubble and ruin. That forest still burns to this day.