When prince Emir Raylindal was born to the Laurelian kingdom.
A loose, overarching timeline that stretches from before the War of Turning to the present and future events of New Peace.
before New Peace was created. The world of Before.
When the ice began to melt, and the new world was awakened. Here, all things were created. Also known as the Age of Beginning, or the First Age.
In the beginning, there was ice. Nothing lived, nothing breathed. The soil beneath the frozen oceans rested. Even the great sun slept. No lights were hung in the sky. Time new not the world. All was quiet, and all were sleeping.
The day the Firstborn came into the world. This is the first child to be born in New Peace. In fact, the Laurelians named the world after this boy.
When the Counsel of Peace (protection and proliferation) gathered for the first time. Lands were allotted, plans were made, leaders were set, and the Constitution of the New Laurelians was written and signed.
Araz was traveling cross-country to the east coast, and he got stuck in the desert. It's unknown how he got out, but he was the first to find himself surrounded by this desert's magical power.
The Second Age is the Age of Creation. After the Old Ones woke from their slumber, they began creating all the things a world needs; peoples, flora and fauna, geography, and architecture.
When Camellia was caught in the Gardener's net, planted, and subsequently sprouted.
When the peoples of New Peace began discovering things about their world. Different medicines, continents, races, traditions, etc...
Shortly after the worst blizzard in all history, people began dying of a very strange disease. It seemed like their bodies had turned into ice. Soon, this disease spread far and wide across the known world and took out over half the population of all flowerlings before someone found a cure.
The end of the Fourth Age took with it the Cold Death; the sickness that had ravaged the known world for years. Now, healthy people wanted to move from their old, disease-ridden homes, and find new and better places to live. Thus began the Age of Exploration.