Demere Brunetti Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Demere Brunetti (deh-MEER broo-NET-ee)

Design by Multi-Dimension and orphidor, story and personality by orphidor

Demere Brunetti

Demere, a demon who leans into every stereotype he can with great enthusiasm, is a complete and total menace for little reason besides the fact that he feels like it. He enjoys causing chaos and irritating or scaring others, usually by setting fires and destroying anything he can get his hands on.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He's very lean and slender, without much muscle. He makes up for this with his impressive agility and dexterity.

Body Features

His body is covered with tattoos depicting a mishmash of demon-related symbols. The accuracy of these tattoos isn't his primary concern, he mainly got them to play into typical folkloric demon stereotypes. He also has a set of wings along the underside of his arms, with digits attached to his wrists. The wings have several nicks and tears along the edges.

Facial Features

Demere has a rounded triangular face, a bold nose, and no eyebrows. He has a secondary set of primordial red eyes underneath his primary eyes. His ears are very long, curved, and pointed. His primary eyes are surrounded by asymmetrical black marks.

Identifying Characteristics

  1. Two sacred geometry circles on the lower right side of his neck
  2. A geometric triangular sigil-esque form with a tiny heart on the upper right side of his neck
  3. An inverted pentagram inside a circle on his right cheek
  4. Concentric circles on the points of his shoulders
  5. The Leviathan's Cross on his upper sternum
  6. "666" in Gothic lettering on the center of his chest
  7. The sigil of Baphomet on his diaphragm
  8. The symbol of chaos on his left bicep
  9. An inverted cross on the back of his left hand
  10. "SOLVE" and "COAGULA" in Gothic lettering on his right and left inner forearms, respectively
  11. Straight bands encircling his right forearm and wrist

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Demere identifies as a man. He has never questioned his identity.


He is pansexual and experiences attraction to others regardless of their gender. He is mainly attracted to those who act and think in similar ways to him.


In his younger years, he held a variety of minimum-wage entry-level jobs for short periods of time, but was always let go because of his behavior (which was "mischievious" to say the least.)

Personality Characteristics


Demere's main motivations are self-serving. He is entertained by watching the confusion, frustration, and fear of others, so he constantly does what he can to cause these reactions regardless of the consequences. On the rare occasions when he's freed (or escapes) from prison, his favorite crimes are arson and destruction of property because he's found that these create the funniest reactions in other people.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves fire and destruction. Likes demonic symbols and imagery. Dislikes being cold. Hates being told what to do.

Virtues & Personality perks

Demere is extremely loyal toward those he cares about and will go to any lengths to protect them. He's surprisingly very jovial, with a great sense of humor, and rarely acts out due to anger.


Contacts & Relations

He has been tracked down and apprehended by the Devilseekers on more occasions than he can count. He is a well-known figure within their organization for his troublesome behavior and penchant for escaping prison.
Current Status
Alive (Imprisoned)
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
California City Correctional Facility: Supernatural Unit
Pure white (primary,) red (primordial)
White, tightly-curled, worn in dreadlocks bound close to the scalp and tied in a small bundle at the nape of his neck
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark red, tattooed
6 feet 7 inches
184 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If it ain't broke, it should be."
Satan Worship
Known Languages

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: Demere by orphidor