Disgraced Scions Organization in New Terra | World Anvil
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Disgraced Scions

Written by orphidor

When a member of the Pure Folk decides that their lifestyle is too exploitative and oppressive, the Disgraced Scions are there to help them escape. The Scions allow Pure Folk members to reach out to them, formulate escape plans with them, execute those plans, then assist the escapee in learning necessary life skills that will help them become one with mainstream society.

Public Agenda

The Disgraced Scions publicly speak out against the Pure Folk in an attempt to educate people about their harmful tendencies. They also make it extremely public that they are available to help anyone who wants to escape at any point.


At this point, the Scions have acquired a fair number of people within their ranks. They have a decent amount of funding, mostly donations from people who agree with their ideologies and want to indirectly help their efforts.


The Disgraced Scions formed gradually as time passed and people began to grow frustrated by their lives within the grasp of the Pure Folk. The first few escapees naturally banded together due to their shared experiences and trauma. After a while, people still trapped within the Pure Folk began to reach out to them for help with leaving. The more people broke free, the larger the community that would later become the Disgraced Scions became. The group eventually became large enough that organized systems were put in place to aid more people.
Activist, Charity
Notable Members

Non-Violent Enemies

The Pure Folk despise the Disgraced Scions because of the Scions' tendency to "steal" and "corrupt" their people. The Scions hold the Pure Folk in very low regard because they believe they're brainwashing and exploiting their members.

Cover image: by orphidor