Pure Folk Organization in New Terra | World Anvil
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Pure Folk

Written by orphidor

The so-called "Pure Folk" are non-variant humans who have come to the flawed realization that Weirdening was the end of the world. In their eyes, the only way to remain pure is to avoid contact with alternate races, forms of magic, supernatural beings, and variant humans. They typically reside in rural areas and become visibly unnerved when confronted by "outsiders," even those with no apparent influences caused by the effects of the Weirdening.


The culture of the Pure Folk is extremely regimentary. Their days are ruled by orderly routines that usually consist of basic homestead upkeep and constant breaks for prayer or meditation.

Public Agenda

The Pure Folk are extremely secretive about their goals and rarely divulge much about their long-term plans with outsiders.


The organization formed shortly after the Weirdening took place. In their confusion and terror, a group of non-variant humans broke off from the rest of society and formed a small group where they could feel free from the corrupting influences of the outside world. The group's goals were primarily seclusion in their early years, but as time went on, they ultimately began to form a more religious viewpoint to justify their actions.

Divine Origins

The Pure Folk came into existence almost immediately after the Weirdening took place. Many decided to seclude themselves among like-minded people, far away from anything new and frightening. Membership has gradually decreased since then, but there are still numerous sects in existence.

Cosmological Views

According to the Pure Folk, the world ended at the precise moment the Weirdening happened. Unfortunately, in their view, humanity wasn't pure enough to ascend into heaven. They now attempt to make up for their lack of piety by living simple lives far away from anything related to variant humans and other races in the hopes that they will one day regain God's favor.

Tenets of Faith

Simplicity and modesty are the key tenets of the Pure Folk's existence. They live without the conveniences of modern life (such as phones or other electronic devices) and sustain themselves through farming.


Maintaining purity of the utmost degree is the main goal of the Pure Folk, regardless of its members' feelings or desires.


Each sect of Pure Folk is led by one charismatic figure, usually male, who issues commands for the others to follow according to what he believes will increase his followers' purity and piety. Questioning the leader is frowned upon and may result in punishment. The leaders of the Pure Folk aren't chosen, they rise through the ranks naturally and acquire power through strategic maneuvers, clever actions, and demonstrations of dedication to the group.
Religious, Cult
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Non-Violent Enemies

Pure Folk
The Pure Folk and the Institution for Supernatural Beings' Orientation and Habilitation stand for the complete opposite things. Where ISBOH embraces magical beings and variant humans, the Pure Folk shun them with great intensity. Therefore, the two highly dislike each other, though not to the degree where they're violent toward each other.

Non-Violent Enemies

The Pure Folk despise the Disgraced Scions because of the Scions' tendency to "steal" and "corrupt" their people. The Scions hold the Pure Folk in very low regard because they believe they're brainwashing and exploiting their members.

Cover image: by orphidor