Cora Bainbridge Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Cora Bainbridge

Character design, story, and personality by orphidor

Cora Bainbridge

Cora is naturally friendly and full of life. Most people who meet her can't help but enjoy her company. She has a unique talent for drawing shy people out from their shells, which helped immensely when she first met her now-girlfriend, Meru.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Her face is rounded and her features are pleasantly friendly. Her eyes are particularly striking. She has a difficult time looking stern or intimidating.

Apparel & Accessories

Her wardrobe is distinctive in its coloration, as most of her clothing is red, blue, or purple. She can usually be seen wearing gold jewelry (never silver.)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cora's family was strict to say the least. They were among the Pure Folk, those few who rejected magic and all the new beings who came into existence after the Weirdening, including variant humans of any kind. If she didn't complete her chores on the secluded homestead where she, her parents, her grandmother, and her siblings lived, she wasn't allowed dinner. If one of her siblings dared talk back to one of the adults in the family, they were ignored for days at a time as punishment.  
Young Adulthood
Cora couldn't stand her family's way of life. Despite losing all her prior relationships and any contact with her siblings, she fled as soon as she turned 18 with the help of a small group called the Disgraced Scions, an organization dedicated to helping those in Cora's situation escape their oppressive ways of life and learn to live among the rest of society. The Disgraced Scions helped Cora find a job, get a small apartment, and learn life skills that would be vital away from her family's secluded home. She adapted very quickly, as though she were meant to have left.  
Current Day
After a few years, Cora became indistinguishable from anyone else living life among mages and variant humans. She never lost contact with the Disgraced Scions and, in fact, ended up applying to become part of their organization. It was a job she ended up being extremely good at thanks to her own experiences with how the Pure Folk think and her friendly, empathetic personality.

Gender Identity

Cora identifies as a woman and enjoys dressing in feminine clothing. She has never questioned the gender she was assigned at birth.


Cora is attracted to other women.


She has a general education diploma, which she acquired soon after leaving her family home behind.


Cora used to work as a grocery clerk, but she now holds a position within the Disgraced Scions. Her current job allows her to communicate with people who want to leave their domineering families, organize and execute plans for them to leave, find lodging and homes for those who've recently fled, and help them adjust to life in the wider world. It's something she loves and is extremely successful at.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Cora has helped one of her sisters flee thus far. The two have resumed contact now that they're both free and have become extremely close.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are spacial, linguistic, and interpersonal.

Morality & Philosophy

Cora believes that, as long as they're not hurting anyone, everyone deserves the chance to be free and happy with their lives. This is something she is willing to put her safety at risk for.

Personality Characteristics


Along with living a fulfilling life with Meru, Cora wants to help free as many people as possible from the Pure Folk and show them how to live normal lives.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves fashion and listening to others' stories. Likes parrots. Dislikes flying in planes. Hates being alone for too long.


She's a particularly clean person who spends a fair amount of time caring for her skin and hair in the evenings. She takes pride in wearing clean clothing and maintaining good personal hygiene.


Religious Views

Cora is spiritual, but doesn't follow any particular religion. She believes in the saying that "what goes around comes around" and tries to live by that idea on a daily basis.

Social Aptitude

Cora is extremely friendly. Despite not being the most talkative person, her aptitude for listening carefully and responding at the perfect moments means she's great at making people feel as if they've known her for years. She's known for having an entertaining sense of humor and a never-ending library of puns stored in her head.


Cora doesn't talk excessively, instead choosing to time what she says so that her thoughts hold as much impact in her audience as possible. Her voice is medium in pitch and gentle, and her vocabulary choices are habitually rather formal.


Cora Bainbridge

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Meru Zaveri



Meru Zaveri

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Cora Bainbridge



Relationship Reasoning

Cora and Meru make a wonderful pair because they easily compliment each other's strengths and make up for the other's weaknesses. They've become closely bonded over the years since they've met and are rarely seen apart from each other if they can help it.

Current Status
Date of Birth
April 27
Meru Zaveri (Girlfriend)
Warm brown, round
Black dreadlocks down to her middle back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown
5 feet 9 inches
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English (native speaker)

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by orphidor