Edward Gray Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Edward Gray

Character design by Jabberwoky, story and personality by orphidor

Edward Gray (a.k.a. "Eddie")

Eddie is a highly enthusiastic and outgoing person. Like a friendly dog, his easygoing nature allows him to get along with most people he meets. He may not be the most booksmart person in the world, but his practical wisdom makes up for his lack of academic knowledge.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like most elves, Eddie is exceptionally nimble and flexible, though he isn't particularly strong.

Facial Features

He has a long face with pronounced cheekbones, a strong jaw, and a bold nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Eddie's bright red hair is very distinctive. He has freckles on his face, arms, and shoulders.

Physical quirks

Every emotion Eddie feels is written all over his face and expressed through his ears. He has a difficult time concealing his feelings, but his emotiveness makes him an excellent actor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eddie was born into a cursed family. Each firstborn female child in his direct lineage inherits a mysterious spirit who tags along wherever they go and causes them bad luck. Much to everyone's surprise, however, the spirit bucked its own trend and attached itself to Eddie. Some of his earliest memories involve the spirit causing mayhem in his life. Aside from his haunting, Eddie's childhood was a happy one. Even in his earliest years, he lived to entertain, often creating little talent shows or skits for his parents and basking in the attention they gave to him.  
In high school, Eddie was a typical theater kid. His other classes took a backseat to his acting in various school plays. He loved putting on a new persona and portraying nuanced emotions to suit the scenes he was in. Despite the continued presence of his personal haunting, Eddie thrived and his love for entertaining only continued to grow.  
As Eddie reached his adult years, the intensity of his haunting only continued to grow, though his naturally upbeat nature never meant he dwelled on or was too disturbed by it. Eddie eventually decided to attend California City State University, where he met his eventual partner in life and art, Emmanuel. After some time spent enrolled in college, however, he decided it wasn't for him and went straight to working as a small-time actor. Within a few years he and Emmanuel started Grey and Gray, which took off almost immediately.

Gender Identity

Eddie identifies as a male, but he still enjoys embracing femininity when he dresses in drag.


He is attracted to men, particularly those who match his emotional intensity.


He has a high school diploma and a partial college education.


Eddie works with Emmanuel in creating the most enchanting plays they can. Eddie usually plays major roles in their plays. For serious roles, Eddie presents as male, while for comedic characters, he acts out the role in a drag persona.

Personality Characteristics


Eddie's primary goal is to put on a grander and more impressive performance every time he's on stage. He constantly thinks about ways he can improve the plays he and Emmanuel collaborate on.   His secondary goal is to discover why his family is haunted, why the spirit latched on to him instead of his younger sister, and how to get rid of the ghost so he can finally live a life free from its constant annoyances.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves performing. Likes dogs and flowers. Dislikes foggy weather. Hates bland conversations.

Vices & Personality flaws

Eddie's easygoing nature sometimes allows others to treat him like a doormat. He usually realizes he's being taken advantage of, but as long as it doesn't cause too much inconvenience, he allows it to slide.


Edward Gray

Partner (Vital)

Towards Emmanuel Grey



Emmanuel Grey

Partner (Vital)

Towards Edward Gray




The two met in college, where they attended a few of the same classes. Both were drawn to each other's magnetic personalities, first as friends, then as something more.

Nicknames & Petnames

Eddie is the only one allowed to call Emmanuel "Emmy."

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are intensely creative individuals with a passion for theater. They play different roles in the general creative process, but this only brings them closer together since they make a well-rounded pair.   Emmanuel and Eddie are also the bearers of long-time family curses. Since family curses are rare, being their subjects is a bonding point for the two.

Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
May 24th
Current Residence
Masculine (mostly)
Mid-back-length, straight, red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium-pale, freckled
6 feet 3 inches
155 lbs
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by Clubbingclown