Emmanuel Grey Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Emmanuel Grey

Character design, story, and personality by orphidor

The Blind Magician Emmanuel Grey (a.k.a. "Emmy")

Emmanuel may be moody and self-deprecating, but he's also extremely intelligent and charismatic. He lives to entertain and thoroughly enjoys knowing he's brought joy into others' lives through the magically-enhanced plays he directs, usually featuring his highly-energetic partner, Eddie, in alternating male and female roles. Being a man of polar opposites, he is constantly building himself up and tearing himself down, then coming up with new creative ideas based on the experience.

Physical Description

Body Features

His body is on the slim side and features a variety of blackwork or black-and-gray magician-themed tattoos.

Identifying Characteristics

  • A multi-pointed star with radiating lines on his chest
  • A leaping rabbit on his left thigh
  • The playing card suits in a row on his right wrist

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emmanuel was unlucky enough to be diagnosed with leukemia when he was a child. Though he eventually won his fight against the disease, he was left with few happy childhood memories because of his time spent in treatment.  
During his high school years, Emmanuel was naturally drawn to theater, but he never wanted to be seen onstage. Instead, he preferred running things from the background, organizing costume changes and perfecting the actors' stage makeup so that each performance ran as smoothly as possible. It was during this time that he began to  
Immediately after graduating from high school, Emmanuel enrolled himself in California City State University's performing arts department. Unfortunately, after a year of study, Emmanuel noticed a persistent dark spot clouding part of his vision. Upon consulting his family physician, his worst fears were confirmed: the Grey family curse of blindness, which was supposed to have skipped his generation, had begun to manifest itself in him. He briefly succumbed to a deep depression as the blindness claimed his vision completely, convinced that his dream career of entertaining audiences with magic was over before it had even begun.   Being the persistent person that he is, however, Emmanuel couldn't simply resign himself to a life absent of creativity. Through experimentation, he eventually realized that his magic still worked despite his inability to see the results. In fact, the visual effects he created were even more fantastical and thrilling than before, possibly due to his imagination becoming more vivid through the loss of his vision. These days, he enjoys a successful career as a professional magician known far and wide for the beauty and intrigue of his shows.

Gender Identity

Emmanuel identifies as a man. He has not questioned the gender he was assigned at birth.


Emmanuel is is only attracted to men. He discovered this fact rather late in his teens.


Emmanuel has a high school diploma and an associate's degree in theater arts.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Overcoming the loss of his vision and returning to creating is the achievement Emmanuel is most proud of.

Personality Characteristics


Emmanuel's primary motivation changes often. He always wants to perfect whichever performance he's working on at the time. Once that's accomplished, he moves on to the next, not worrying about whatever isn't relevant to his situation.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves the sound of an eager crowd. Likes cats and podcasts. Dislikes room-temperature coffee. Hates "your mom" jokes.

Virtues & Personality perks

Emmanuel is extremely intelligent and quick-witted. When confronted with problems, he will go to great lengths to solve them instead of simply throwing in the towel.

Vices & Personality flaws

When Emmanuel dislikes something or someone, he has a hard time hiding it. He likes things to be a certain way and becomes upset when life doesn't comply.


Edward Gray

Partner (Vital)

Towards Emmanuel Grey



Emmanuel Grey

Partner (Vital)

Towards Edward Gray




The two met in college, where they attended a few of the same classes. Both were drawn to each other's magnetic personalities, first as friends, then as something more.

Nicknames & Petnames

Eddie is the only one allowed to call Emmanuel "Emmy."

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are intensely creative individuals with a passion for theater. They play different roles in the general creative process, but this only brings them closer together since they make a well-rounded pair.   Emmanuel and Eddie are also the bearers of long-time family curses. Since family curses are rare, being their subjects is a bonding point for the two.

Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
July 27th
Anaheim, CA
Current Residence
Dark brown, clouded-over
Black, tightly-curled, cropped at the jawline
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium-dark brown
5 feet 9 inches
140 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, extremely broken Spanish

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by orphidor