Lex Lucander Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Lex Lucander

Character design by EwWeiss, story and personality by orphidor

Alexander Lucander (a.k.a. "Lex")

Many people would consider Lex offputting due to his height, constantly-shifting tattoos, unimpressed facial expression, and fascination with the macabre, but he's actually a kind soul hidden behind a cold mask. By day, he works at a vape shop, but at night and on his days off, he's an avid urban explorer who delves into the depths of abandoned buildings in search of mysteries and hidden creatures.  
Theme Song

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lex works out and is fairly muscular.

Body Features

His body is triangular, with shoulders that are wider than his hips. His limbs, especially his arms, are toned (but not to the degree where he's too visibly muscled.)

Facial Features

He has a long face and a pointed chin. He typically has dark circles under his eyes because he doesn't sleep as much as he should. His ears are pierced in multiple places and he has medium-sized gauges in his earlobes.

Identifying Characteristics

Lex's body is covered with abstract magical tattoos that slowly shift and warp across his body. They never form the same shapes twice and never cover major facial features.

Special abilities

He is trained in protection methods effective against a wide variety of supernatural beings, including poltergeists and demonic entities.

Apparel & Accessories

Lex's favorite clothing is a large black-and-white jacket and simple white tank tops. He typically wears cargo pants with lots of pockets. He's never seen wearing anything that isn't black, gray, or white. He enjoys jewelry depicting crosses, not becaue he's religious, but because holy symbols can help protect a person from supernatural beings that intend to do them harm. While exploring abandoned buildings, he wears heavy boots to avoid hurting his feet on discarded needles or broken glass.

Specialized Equipment

During his urban explorations, he carries a GPS device, a high-powered flashlight, a knife, and pepper spray. He also makes sure to bring protective symbology and various occult components in case he comes across a hostile supernatural being that doesn't want to be found.

Personality Characteristics


Lex's day job is simply a means to support himself. His true passion is urban exploration. He loves the adrenaline rush that comes from wandering decrepit buildings, possibly encountering squatters or strange beings, then reporting back to the Devilseekers with his findings so they can take appropriate action.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves urban exploration and Cheez-Its. Likes cats and nicotine. Dislikes the color orange and the feeling of slime. Hates false cheerfulness and smalltalk.

Vices & Personality flaws

He tends to be careless about his own health and safety. He's thoroughly addicted to nicotine and caffeine.


He's very clean when not wandering the depths of abandoned buildings. He tends to wear a very distinctive cologne.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
December 21
Los Angeles
Current Residence
Brown, heavily-lidded
Cropped short, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, tattooed
6 feet 5 inches
185 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Spiritual, but not religious
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by EwWeiss