LIV - Subject #54 Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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LIV - Subject #54

Character design by sl1med0g, design and story by orphidor

LIV (Subject #54)

LIV is a deeply fearful individual who has known little else besides intense pain and isolation during her short life. Taken from her mother at birth and held in a secret testing facility unknown to the government, her DNA, transformation process, and every other aspect of her body are constantly experimented upon to gain a better understanding of her lycanthropy.  
Theme Song

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to her fondness for exercise, LIV is fairly fit and decently strong. This gives medical attendants issues when trying to restrain her or move her to another room.

Body Features

In her werewolf form, LIV presents as a rangy, long-limbed, wolflike creature. The burn scars she suffered in her human form are still present on this body. Her alternate form is mostly hairless, as is her human body, due to the damage done to her skin when she was burned.

Facial Features

Her face is slightly misshapen due to her scars, but her facial features are still fairly clear. She has an oval-shaped face.

Identifying Characteristics

LIV is covered head-to-toe in healed burn scars resulting from a failed "termination" attempt by her tormenting researchers a few years ago. Her violet eyes are one of the few things that demonstrate her abnormal nature as a werewolf.

Special abilities

LIV has the ability to transform into her werewolf form under certain circumstances, such as the presence of a full moon or extreme anger on her part.

Apparel & Accessories

Can always be seen in green scrubs worn by almost all the subjects at the facility where she's kept. She has a nametag on her chest with her subject number on it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The paranoid lead doctor at the facility where she is kept feared a raid by government officials and ordered LIV and her fellow test subjects to be incinerated so they couldn't be used as evidence of the facility's wrongdoings. LIV was the last to be forced into the incinerator and the first to be pulled out after a short period of time spent engulfed in flames after the so-called impending raid turned out to be a false lead. Her full-body burns were then treated.

Gender Identity

She identifies as a woman, but this facet of her identity is not very important to her. It mostly comes up when interacting with others.


LIV is asexual. She does not experience sexual or romantic attraction to anyone.

Mental Trauma

Though she ultimately made a full recovery from her failed "termination," the scars still constantly remind her of her own attempted murder.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intellectual types are spacial, logical, and kinesthetic.

Personality Characteristics


LIV's motivations are simple. Avoid as much pain as possible, remain alone as often as she can, and regularly acquire McDonalds hamburgers or puzzles.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves hamburgers and puzzles. Likes exercise. Dislikes raised voices. Hates needles and fire.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is extremely intelligent and is talented with putting pieces of an immediate situation or an object together.

Vices & Personality flaws

LIV has a tendency to fly into fits of anger at the drop of a hat. Though her anger can be quickly calmed, it's dangerous because it may trigger her werewolf transformation or cause her to lash out in other ways.

Personality Quirks

On occasion, to reward her for good behavior, LIV is presented with a McDonald's hamburger or a new puzzle to solve. She consistently snatches her prize and huddles in a corner to enjoy it, regularly glancing around to make sure nobody is going to take it from her.


LIV is regulary kept pristine by medical attendants, even though she would naturally care for herself regardless of their intervention.


LXVI - Subject #66

Friend (Vital)

Towards LIV - Subject #54



LIV - Subject #54

Friend (Vital)

Towards LXVI - Subject #66




LXVI becomes excited and hoots repetitively when she sees LIV, but LIV previously did not return the enthusiasm. Instead, LIV cowered in fear and attempted to leave LXVI's line of sight. After a little while, however, LIV realized that LXVI's reaction was one of joy, not anger, and the two began to become close. LIV can now understand LXVI's various screeches and hollerings with an uncanny accuracy. The two now enjoy each other's company despite their dramatic differences in personality.

Nicknames & Petnames

LIV calls LXVI "Lexi" instead of her numerical designation.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both have a tendency to become enraged over seemingly random things. When this happens, they are able to calm each other down.

Shared Secrets

Their dream is to escape the Laboratory and experience life in the wider world together.

Shared Acquaintances

The Doctor

Current Status
Alive (imprisoned)
Current Location
Date of Birth
December 13
Current Residence
None but a few wispy strands
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown, heavily-scarred
5'9 (human,) 9'5 (werewolf)
130 lbs (human,) 370 lbs (werewolf)
Known Languages
English and LXVI's seemingly-nonsensical modes of communication.

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: LIV by SugarCultCo