Neera Monroe Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Neera Monroe

Character design by zeliek, story and personality by orphidor

Neera Monroe (a.k.a. The Bloody Lady)

Neera took dying surprisingly well: when nobody except a hungry zombie found her body several days after she disappeared, she simply got back up and began a new "life" as a protector of those walking alone on the street at night. Thanks to her frightening appearance, sadly, nobody realizes that the Bloody Lady is just trying to help when she follows some unknowing soul through the darkness, bats fluttering around her body and her cold, stiff feet dragging on the sidewalk, the occasional instinctual gasp tearing itself from her shredded throat. Since her death, she's gained a status as a terrifying urban legend.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Bloody Lady’s past is forgotten by most, including herself. She was a single child to parents who never stopped looking for her despite knowning that their daughter was likely no longer alive.

Gender Identity

Though Neera’s sense of identity has faded after her death, she still clings to traditionally feminine objects such as flowers, jewelry, and makeup.


Neera experiences no sense of attraction toward anyone else now that she is dead.


Before her death, Neera worked at a tattoo shop. She has few memories of her time spent there, but she was a rather skilled tattoo artist.

Mental Trauma

Neera's murder permanently scarred what little is left of her psyche. She spends most nights prowling California City in the shadows, searching for people to "protect" as they make their way home alone as she once did.


Social Aptitude

Neera's ability to communicate has decreased drastically since her death, but she still understands things others say to her as long as they're not too complicated.


Neera has the unnerving habit of instinctively heaving in deep, rasping breaths of air every few minutes. The sound of air rapidly moving through her ruined neck is extremely disturbing.

Hobbies & Pets

She has a tendency to gather bones, flowers, and shiny pieces of metal to "decorate" the drainpipe where she stays when the sun is out.


Neera's speech is limited to one or two words at a time. The things she says are often simple and repetitive.
Current Status
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Neera was murdered while she walked home alone at night.
Current Residence
One eye is black, while the other glows dimly with a sickly white light.
Mid-back length, split-dyed black and white down the center part
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Marble white
5 feet 6 inches
Known Languages
Broken English

Cover image: by orphidor