Zombification Condition in New Terra | World Anvil
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Written by orphidor

Zombies are very similar to the mindless, shambling creatures from common folk tales. Unlike those zombies, however, the zombies of New Terra are known to have some semblance of their old personality stored away in their brains. These remnants usually aren't conscious, but they do affect the way the zombie acts. In extremely rare cases, zombies are able to retain a bit of consciousness and a slight amount of control over their actions, but their limited brain capacity means they are unable to make complicated decisions or plan anything in advance.

Transmission & Vectors

New zombies are usually created when an uninfected person comes in contact with the blood or saliva of a previously-infected zombie. Infection may be avoided if the un-infected person thoroughly sanitizes themselves immediately after the encounter, but this is not always successful. The most common way of transmitting zombification is through being bitten or partially eaten by a zombie. In this case, the only method of treatment is an intense course of powerful antibiotics, which may or may not stop the course of the infection.


This condition seems to be caused by a virus that affects the brain and central nervous system. Research is currently being conducted in order to discover the origin and nature of the virus so that a vaccine can be created.


Symptoms include an extremely slow heart rate, general deteriation of the body, unintelligible growling and muttering, violent tendencies, and the ability to ignore pain that would incapacitate an ordinary person.


There is no currently-known treatment to cure zombification. Even if there was, many zombies have sustained injuries that would be extremely difficult to treat were they brought back to life.


At first, the infected individual will become ill with a fever that quickly progresses until they die. Brain activity naturally stops, then restarts once again, albeit with much less intensity than before. The body then begins to shamble about with little input from the brain.


If a zombie survives long enough without being destroyed, they will likely rot to the degree where they are no longer able to move. They're still dangerous in this state because the byproducts of their decomposition are contagious.


When encountering a zombie, the best thing to do is call the Devilseekers and allow them to deal with it. Confronting a zombie is not advised, otherwise you may yourself be infected by its virus and turn into one of its kind.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

Cover image: by orphidor