ISBOH Organization in New Terra | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by orphidor

When supernatural beings (particularly nature spirits, demons, or angels come into existence, they are almost always overwhelmed by a feeling of fright and confusion. Being confronted by bustling cities full of strangers and strange contraptions is a disorienting and terrifying experience. ISBOH, or the Institution for Supernatural Beings' Orientation and Habilitation, exists so that these beings have a place to go where they can receive education about the world they've been brought into, as well as a place to sleep and food to eat until they're able to support themselves.


Though beings like certain demon varieties are often feared by the general public, ISBOH makes a point to aid them and all other newly-created beings who would otherwise struggle to make successful lives for themselves. They can and will aid any being who comes to them for help, regardless of their appearance or heritage.
Founding Date
Civil Services
Alternative Names
Notable Members

Non-Violent Enemies

Pure Folk
The Pure Folk and the Institution for Supernatural Beings' Orientation and Habilitation stand for the complete opposite things. Where ISBOH embraces magical beings and variant humans, the Pure Folk shun them with great intensity. Therefore, the two highly dislike each other, though not to the degree where they're violent toward each other.

Cover image: by orphidor