New world


The motivation behind building New world

I want to have a setting where the rules of creation are very loose and that can fit the most random ideas, as a sandbox for discarded ideas, nuggets of concepts and perhaps still good ideas that are not ready to be introduced in a more cohesive setting.   It serves to me to try to reignite the spark of worldbuilding without the constraints of a world that is already created with its own rules but just as the pure enjoyment of letting the creativity go wild and experiment widely.   It is also a place to write purely self indulgent scenes or vignettes that have a standalone merit and bring me joy but don't have a place in my other projects.

The goal of the project

At the moment I don't plan to do anything with this world, other than occasionally go back to it and pull some idea to develop somewhere else.

New world's Unique Selling point

XXX is the world where all discarded ideas go, where the forgotten dreams, the creatures that were not quite fit for survival in the other worlds, the first drafts of creation end up.



The genre is eclectic portal fantasy with strong post apocaliptic elements.

Reader Experience

The feelings I want to transmit is hopefulness, resourcefulness and a sense of whimsical wonder.

Reader Tone

The world is Bright, it is a world of possibility and wonder and constant discovery.

Recurring Themes

1.Scavengers that roam the land collecting objects and creatures that arrive on the planet to repurpose them or give them a second chance.   2. Change and transformation. Nothing and no one has its original purpose, every creature needs to adapt to a new setting, every item needs to be adapted and sometimes mixed with others to get a use in the new planet.   Everything and everyone is in an imperfect situation but finding their own place in the new world making the best use they can find for their imperfections.   3. Crooked objects, chimeras, asymmetric buildings made up of mismatching parts.   4. Most of what lands in the planet is a one of a kind prototype, therefore precious in its uniqueness.   5. Lost and forgotten things that get a new chance at being rediscovered.

Character Agency

The characters have an high level of agency, since all creatures in the world are starting from scratch a new life in a new planet. There are dangers posed by the very nature of the setting and conflicts between the creatures arriving from very different backgrounds, but ultimately the folks of the world have all the power to mold the setting to their own needs.


  • Race Relations: Many different folks and species land constantly on the planet, with many different backgrounds and cultures and ways to communicate. Often times these are not compatible and compromises need to be made.
  • Technology influence: As well as people, new objects land on the planet at a fast rate and they most often don't fit with the current level of technology or lack the preexisting resources to make them work so they need to be repurposed to new and quirky uses.