New world


The Laws of New world

There is portal magic, but it is so strong that interferes with most other magical effects that might be introduced from outside worlds.   Gravity and physics work mostly as on earth, with some exceptions.


All individual and all species that arrive in the planet have their theories of how it came to be, but everyone is too busy to survive and find their ground on the new environment to argue too much about it.

Principal Geography & Features

The geography of the planet is so far a mostly barren expanse with pockets of ecosystems that land on it suddenly and create a patchwork of mismatched landscapes that border each other without a smooth demarcation. steep mountains and peeks rise from the middle of oceans, pink coloured forests suddenly interrupted by saltmarshes, occasionally the change is so sudden that a single tree is caught in the middle and is half one type and half another or structures get half destroyed by the apparition of a different environment in the middle of it. The outcome of these interactions is always fascinating and unsettling, but sometimes creates landscapes of eerie beauty.

Initial Active Setting

The initial scale will be the area under the immediate control of the First Portal, with some core articles having a world wide effect.