New world


The History of New world so far

The world is really a new world, and was desert of all forms of life (or indeed any features at all) before the first elements arrived via the portals.The first sentient creatures to arrive here were the YYY and that was only a short 20 years ago (approximately, because back then seasons didn't exist either and the YYY didn't have a way to mark time, or indeed an interest to do so).

Current Species & Cultures

Several species arrived since then, some in a single individual and some in a small groups. Some notable ones are:- the Microns, humanoid creatures only about half an inch tall that arrived through the teacup portal.- a clan of sapient furry creatures capable of moving both in quadrupedal and bipedal stance.- A group of tentacled acquatic creatures who posed some difficulties when they arrived on the planet two days before an appropriate environment for them was found.   Most of these creatures have no memory of their previous life, mostly due to the fact that their creation was interrupted before they were inserted in any context.